Kenneth Branaghs “Hamlet” er en ofte smuk, ekstremt velspillet og ambitiøs fortolkning af Shakespeares udødelige teaterstykke. Filmen bliver lidt lang i spyttet, men enhver fan af teater, klassisk litteratur og/eller storslåede historier i al almindelighed bør øjeblikkeligt smække udgivelsen i indkøbskurven. Transferet skuffer en smule, mens lydsporet overrasker positivt, og fans vil garanteret sætte pris på det informative ekstramateriale.
#1 Outbound Sith 14 år siden
Fox Mulder
#2 filmz-Titta Di Girolamo 14 år siden
Men "alas poor Yorick... how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it."
Det er simpelthen ikke godt nok! Denne film skulle være udgivet på to skiver og den burde fremstå som en af de ypperste film i HD.
En fantastisk film og en af Branaghs største bedrifter, skammeligt overladt til en andenrangs behandling.
Film: 9/10
Video: 5-6/10
Hamlet fra 1948 vs Hamlet 1997. Nej det er bare ikke godt nok!
#3 gi-jones 14 år siden
Jeg undrer mig dog lidt over at en film med et 18 millioners budget er blevet skudt på 65mm. Virker lidt underligt. Og er vi sikre på at de billedmæssige problemer virkelig er BD'ens skyld og ikke filmens visuelle kvalitet i al almindelighed?
#4 filmz-Titta Di Girolamo 14 år siden
Taking Mr. Branaugh's film, scanning a 65mm element and preparing it for Blu-ray should not have been a major task, and the final result should have been gorgeous.
As it is, someone as Warner Bros. has taken a beautiful image and homogenized it into something that looks clean, nicely colored, and much like a poorly scanned 35mm production. There is neither proper sharpness, nor high resolution information.
Which considering the available elements and the concept of why and how the film was made, rather defeats the purpose.
Fortunately, Mr. Shakespeare's play is still on the shelf, as is Mr. Branaugh's film.
A special note to the technical people at WB. You can neither fit a gallon of water into a quart bucket, nor a four hour 65mm production onto a single Blu-ray disc at full quality. The format is good, but not that good.
And packaging a poorly produced Blu-ray in an attractive little book delivers nothing more than an attractive package holding a poorly produced Blu-ray.
Og han tilføjer i kommentar:
"I don't believe that the release is bad looking. My point is what it should have been based upon the elements."
Filmen skulle være aldeles vidunderlig i 65mm!
"If one is preparing an HD master, there is no real need to scan 65mm at 8k unless "preservation" data is desired. If this is an older master, my take is that it would have been scanned from a 35mm element, which would have been fine if it had been handled as it may have been today.
If the public is being offered a new Blu-ray release of a 65mm originated production in 2010, and especially if marketing is making special note of the fact, it should no more be from a dumbed down 2006-7 master, than should the purchase of a new car or a half gallon of milk. I'm not blaming marketing here, merely poor communication along the internal corporate roadway.
Albeit pretty, this Hamlet is still a sow's ear in a hard cover silk purse.
#5 gi-jones 14 år siden
Og pas nu på Bruce, at du ikke får et tilbagefald :)
#6 Bobby Singer 14 år siden
#7 Outbound Sith 14 år siden
Fox Mulder