Synes faktisk ikke at den er så slem-slem som folk går og synes... Bevares, noget 'mesterværk' er den ikke, men det er da udemærket underholdning. Prioriterer dog at vente og se hvad kalenderen ellers gemmer på... :-)
Har hørt fra en ven der har 2-disc udgaven at det skulle være noget super extra-materiale der er på. Nogen der har erfaringer med hvor meget mere man får på 4-disc udgaven og om det stadig er godt?
#11 - Jeg har 4disk udgaven, og syntes at det er rimeligt godt. Det er jo super billed og lyd, men tilgengæld er film jo så også delt ud på 2 disks. Kan desværre ikke helt sige hvad der er på, da det er et godt stykke tid siden jeg har set det hele, og min søster pt. har lånt den, men mener det var meget tilfredsstillende ;D
"We're on an express elevator to hell - going down!" - Aliens
#11 Billed og lyd er upåklagelig. Smid disk 1 ud eller gi' den til en pige og nyd kampscenerne på disc 2 i DTS 6.1 og 12 timers ekstra, bl.a. gode dokumentarer fra History Channel.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:
The Vista Series DVD release includes a Director's Cut of the movie with additional material/footage. The most notable differences from the theatrical version are as follows:
* Some of the dialogue has been trimmed in the scene where Rafe arrives in London. * The scene where the Betty talks about not liking church has some new dialogue, and some pre-existing dialogue appears to be from different takes. * The scene where Evelyn and Danny are swimming in the ocean has a couple of different camera angles and has been shortened, removing the conversation in Danny's convertible. * The "Spine-tingling feeling" scene with Dan Aykroyd has been expanded to contain some extra dialogue about the Navy's concern over the missing Japanese fleet. * There are also some ethnic slurs during the Dorie Miller boxing match. * Attack footage is more graphic. When people are blown out of sand bag barricades instead of whole bodies you see bloody limbs and torsos go flying. Also during the film's many strafing scenes we now see huge chunks of meat and body parts being blown off the falling people. If you look closely during the "nurse strafing" scene, when Evelyn and Sandra are ducking down by the fountain, you can even see a man get cut in half by the 20mm rounds coming from the strafing Zeros. * There are several new scenes on Battleship Row where we see sailors on fire, getting shot, and brutally dismembered by shrapnel. This includes a extremely graphic shot of a severed head. * The scene with Miller and Capt. Bennion now includes a brutal shot of Bennion moaning and crying as he holds his intestines in his hands. We also see Miller try to put them back in his stomach. * The hospital scenes now include graphic shots of battlefield surgery and amputations, as well as close-up shots of severed limbs laying on the floor. * New non-graphic shots throughout the attack basically making it longer and more complete. * Dialogue during the attack includes more profanity * The scene around the campfire with Rafe and Danny before they start training for the Dolittle raid is completely removed. * A whole new scene with Dolittle addressing the troops on the ship the night before the mission has been added. * During the raid sequence some new dialogue and profanity has been added.
"I wonder if a little rum could get this back on its feet."
Er der egentligt nogen der ved om kalender-tilbudene også gælder i deres fysiske butikker? Kører nemlig forbi en hver dag på vej hjem fra skole, sååå.... :-)
#11 McPeter 20 år siden
Har hørt fra en ven der har 2-disc udgaven at det skulle være noget super extra-materiale der er på. Nogen der har erfaringer med hvor meget mere man får på 4-disc udgaven og om det stadig er godt?
#12 Zelle 20 år siden
#13 filmz-Bruce 20 år siden
#14 filmz-Crystalstar1200 20 år siden
Personligt er det ikke en film, der siger mig ret meget selvom jeg har familie, som var med dengang.
*** Den Som Elsker Meget - Udretter Meget ! ***
#15 wiseguy 20 år siden
#16 El vez 20 år siden
* Some of the dialogue has been trimmed in the scene where Rafe arrives in London.
* The scene where the Betty talks about not liking church has some new dialogue, and some pre-existing dialogue appears to be from different takes.
* The scene where Evelyn and Danny are swimming in the ocean has a couple of different camera angles and has been shortened, removing the conversation in Danny's convertible.
* The "Spine-tingling feeling" scene with Dan Aykroyd has been expanded to contain some extra dialogue about the Navy's concern over the missing Japanese fleet.
* There are also some ethnic slurs during the Dorie Miller boxing match.
* Attack footage is more graphic. When people are blown out of sand bag barricades instead of whole bodies you see bloody limbs and torsos go flying. Also during the film's many strafing scenes we now see huge chunks of meat and body parts being blown off the falling people. If you look closely during the "nurse strafing" scene, when Evelyn and Sandra are ducking down by the fountain, you can even see a man get cut in half by the 20mm rounds coming from the strafing Zeros.
* There are several new scenes on Battleship Row where we see sailors on fire, getting shot, and brutally dismembered by shrapnel. This includes a extremely graphic shot of a severed head.
* The scene with Miller and Capt. Bennion now includes a brutal shot of Bennion moaning and crying as he holds his intestines in his hands. We also see Miller try to put them back in his stomach.
* The hospital scenes now include graphic shots of battlefield surgery and amputations, as well as close-up shots of severed limbs laying on the floor.
* New non-graphic shots throughout the attack basically making it longer and more complete.
* Dialogue during the attack includes more profanity
* The scene around the campfire with Rafe and Danny before they start training for the Dolittle raid is completely removed.
* A whole new scene with Dolittle addressing the troops on the ship the night before the mission has been added.
* During the raid sequence some new dialogue and profanity has been added.
#17 wiseguy 20 år siden
#18 wiseguy 20 år siden
#19 filmz-WSTE_M 20 år siden
heldigvis er de to første dage gået ram forbi :)
descend on us all this day, and for evermore.
#20 McPeter 20 år siden