* Audio commentary track from directors John Carpenter, John Milius & Alex Cox, film historian Sir Christopher Frayling and Dr. Sheldon Hall plus cast and crew * Documentaries including exclusive interviews with Claudia Cardinale, Gabriele Ferzetti, Bernardo Bertolucci, and cinematographer Tonino Delli Colli * Archive interviews with director Sergio Leone and star Henry Fonda * 'Railroad: Revolutionising The West' featurette * Locations stills gallery * Production stills gallery * Cast profiles for Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson, Claudia Cardinale, Jason Robards and Gabriele Ferzetti * Original theatrical trailer * Packaging: Plastic Amaray Case
Det var kun i starten, at den var digi-pack - digi'en er vist udgået nu, så man istedet får en kedelig keepcase slynget i hovedet. Til gengæld var det fandme en lækkerbisken af en digi-pack de oprindelige versioner kom i! :)
#121 El vez 19 år siden
Den er anamorphic iflg. dvdcompare.
...og en af de mest deprimerende dokumentarer nogensinde: Lost In La Mancha,
#122 Bates 19 år siden
#123 Popeye 19 år siden
* Audio commentary track from directors John Carpenter, John Milius & Alex Cox, film historian Sir Christopher Frayling and Dr. Sheldon Hall plus cast and crew
* Documentaries including exclusive interviews with Claudia Cardinale, Gabriele Ferzetti, Bernardo Bertolucci, and cinematographer Tonino Delli Colli
* Archive interviews with director Sergio Leone and star Henry Fonda
* 'Railroad: Revolutionising The West' featurette
* Locations stills gallery
* Production stills gallery
* Cast profiles for Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson, Claudia Cardinale, Jason Robards and Gabriele Ferzetti
* Original theatrical trailer
* Packaging: Plastic Amaray Case
Sikker på, at det er en digipak ?
#124 chandler75 19 år siden
#125 ks 19 år siden
#126 El vez 19 år siden
#127 filmz-Kadann 19 år siden
#128 El vez 19 år siden
#129 lagoni 19 år siden
The Valiant R3 (kun kinesiske undertekster) - £4,99
#130 evermind 19 år siden
Fam. Gyldenkål-boksen - 99 kr.
Begge hos ElGiganten.