The Danish R2 release is nearly similar but the DTS track is not "ES" encoded and appears to have one less deleted scene than the US R1 release. The choice is yours as to what is more important.
* R1 America - (New Line) - No cuts, includes both the theatrical cut and the longer director's cut * R2 SE Denmark - (Scanbox) - No cuts, includes both the theatrical cut and the longer director's cut.
Er der nogle der kan forklare hvordan man kan have en mindre slettet scene når der slet ikke er nogle der er slettet??
#1 20 år siden
The Danish R2 release is nearly similar but the DTS track is not "ES" encoded and appears to have one less deleted scene than the US R1 release.
The choice is yours as to what is more important.
* R1 America - (New Line) - No cuts, includes both the theatrical cut and the longer director's cut
* R2 SE Denmark - (Scanbox) - No cuts, includes both the theatrical cut and the longer director's cut.
Er der nogle der kan forklare hvordan man kan have en mindre slettet scene når der slet ikke er nogle der er slettet??
Bare for at se hvad jeg skal købe..
#2 nakalay 20 år siden
#3 20 år siden
#4 nakalay 20 år siden