#4 Spiller de seriøst O Fortuna? Det har jeg ikke lagt mærke til, men det var dog et besynderligt valg. Specielt når man tager teksten i betragtning:
O Fortune, just as the moon Stands constantly changing, always increasing or decreasing; Detestable life now difficult and then easy Deceptive sharp mind; poverty power it melts them like ice.
Fate—monstrous and empty, you whirling wheel, stand malevolent, well-being is vain and always fades to nothing, shadowed and veiled you plague me too; now through the game, my bare back I bring to your villainy.
Fate, in health and in virtue, is now against me driven on and weighted down, always enslaved. So at this hour without delay pluck the vibrating string; since through Fate strikes down the strong, everyone weep with me!
#1 Buzz 15 år siden
#2 Fable 15 år siden
#3 Bony 15 år siden
#4 Buzz 15 år siden
#5 davenport 15 år siden
#6 ks 15 år siden
#7 filmzkim 15 år siden
#8 mr gaijin 15 år siden
Større tudefjæs-tekst kan man ikke finde :p