Jeg kunne nu egentlig også godt lide soundtracket til denne harry potter film især SPOILER Ministry of magic & Farewell to dobby SPOILER SLUT.
Men mhs til magi verdenen, tror jeg nu at det foregår i vores verden, men at vi (mennesker/mugglere) ikke ligger mærke til det, som der også bliver forklaret en lille smule i filmene.
The earth is not a cold dead place, this is not a cold dead place.
[ScoreKeeper]: Well, I’ve been listening to the music and I’m hearing all fresh material. I’m hearing a new score for a new film. I’m not hearing a lot of musical material from the previous films. Am I missing anything? Were there elements from the previous scores that you’ve incorporated into your score?
[Alexandre Desplat]: No, aside from once or twice I…I can’t remember if there is a moment where I, I think maybe twice. I quote John William’s “Hedwig” theme for a few seconds, two or four bars maybe, but that’s about it. The rest is completely fresh, you’re right. That was quite a challenge because I was actually excited in rearranging John William’s theme, but the movie is very different from the previous ones. It’s the first time that the characters are not in school and aren’t going to school and escaping. They are on the road trying to hide from the dark forces and it’s the first time that he has no friends around. Even though there are some great moments of humor, it’s a much darker film. They are on a journey and this journey brings them to other lands, different countries, different worlds of music. skrev:
[Alexandre Desplat]I cannot write like John Williams. Only he can and I wouldn’t even dare to try. He is the Master of film composers but, only by pursuing our own path, our own voice can we have a chance to challenge ourselves to do our best.
[Daniel Schweiger]How did you choose where to quote the famous Williams theme?
[Alexandre Desplat]David Yates and I chose to quote the theme at very precise moments, when Harry is slowly, but surely, drifting away from his childhood, losing his innocence.
And when another major character gets killed.
[Daniel Schweiger]Could you talk about your major themes for Deathly Hallows?
[Alexandre Desplat]Since Harry, Ron and Hermione are now on the road being chased by the dark forces of Voldemort, they are never twice in the same place. They are constantly on the move. I alternate between themes by situation or location (The Ministry of Magic, the Sky battle, The Borrows); themes by characters: Dobby, Dumbledore, Voldemort, Bathilda Backshot, Lovegood, or several other characters; The Oblivation theme, which conveys their loss of innocence, as well as the sense of danger and will be the leading them through their exodus; and themes for magical devices (The Detonators, the Locket, the Deathly Hallows).
nu regner jeg heller ikke med at folk der ikke har set den stormer herind for at læse andres indlæg om den nye Harry Potter. Det var kun en lille spoiler der ikke afslører noget som helst af filmen.
The earth is not a cold dead place, this is not a cold dead place.
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især SPOILER Ministry of magic & Farewell to dobby SPOILER SLUT.
Men mhs til magi verdenen, tror jeg nu at det foregår i vores verden, men at vi (mennesker/mugglere) ikke ligger mærke til det, som der også bliver forklaret en lille smule i filmene.
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