
#19581 Kruse 10 år siden

Jeg glæder mig mindre og mindre til at få set den sidste sæson af "Dexter". Det i har udtrykt er det samme jeg er stødt på overalt, så jeg tvivler på at jeg vil få en meget bedre oplevelse. Jeg skal dog også lige igennem sæson 7 først.
"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye."

#19582 Collateral 10 år siden

Kruse (19581) skrev:
Jeg glæder mig mindre og mindre til at få set den sidste sæson af "Dexter". Det i har udtrykt er det samme jeg er stødt på overalt, så jeg tvivler på at jeg vil få en meget bedre oplevelse. Jeg skal dog også lige igennem sæson 7 først.

Sæson 7s slutning har ret megen pondus, så du kan bare stoppe der ;P
"You can't please everybody. In fact sometimes I don't please anybody" - Oliver Stone

#19583 Kruse 10 år siden

Collateral (19582) skrev:
Sæson 7s slutning har ret megen pondus, så du kan bare stoppe der ;P

Jeg kom igennem den dårlige sidste sæson og elendige afslutning af "Entourage", så mon ikke at jeg også overlever afslutningen på "Dexter". I det mindste for at jeg kan brokke mig sammen med jer andre :)
"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye."

#19584 Collateral 10 år siden

Kruse (19583) skrev:
Jeg kom igennem den dårlige sidste sæson og elendige afslutning af "Entourage", så mon ikke at jeg også overlever afslutningen på "Dexter". I det mindste for at jeg kan brokke mig sammen med jer andre :)

Ville jeg til enhver tid også selv have gjort. Netop fordi man jo gerne vil kunne forholde sig til det.
"You can't please everybody. In fact sometimes I don't please anybody" - Oliver Stone

#19585 Fredag 10 år siden

Læste lige at Hollywood smider 49 remakes og efterfølgere på markedet i år. Snak om kreativ krise/økonomisk og spille på hvad de mener er det sikre!

#19586 Highland Park 10 år siden

"Suicide vest nine-year-old tells her story"
It was late evening, the mullah was calling for prayers and my brother took me outside and told me to put on this vest. He showed me how to operate it, and I said: "I can't - what if it doesn't work?" And he said: 'It will, don't worry.'

I was scared and he took the vest back from me and he hit me hard, and I felt scared. Then [he gave me back the vest and] left me near the checkpoint where he said I had to operate it.

I realised it was a suicide vest because it was heavier than a normal one.

He said: "If you operate this on the people at the checkpoint, they will die - you will not die." But I knew it was a suicide vest and I would die too. Then he went back home - the checkpoint is just near our house.

After my brother left me… I slept in the desert and didn't see anyone that night.

In the morning, a guy from the checkpoint came and took me to the checkpoint and said: "You need to tell your story to our commander." They found me, I didn't find them.

When I told the commander my story he told me to go back home and I said: "No, they beat me there and I am not treated well."


Even if the government says it will guarantee my safety I am not going back - the same thing will happen again. They told me: "If you don't do it this time, we will make you do it again."


I did everything at home. I cooked, I made bread, I washed clothes, I cleaned the whole house and they still weren't happy - they would treat me badly, as if I was a slave.

I didn't go to school because they didn't let me. I can't read a word, I can't pronounce anything. It's because I wasn't taught - nobody taught me how… of course I want to go to school.

My brother told me: "You're here in this world and you will die. You are not here to learn or to do other things or to expect that your word will carry any weight. You are here just to die and do your duty."


"Initially, it emerged she was arrested at night when the police heard her crying on the other side of the river where she says she was forced to wear the vest. Then it was said she was arrested at home. But now, she says she spent the night outside on her own and was found by the police in the morning.

"It was first reported that she was wearing a suicide vest at the time of her arrest. But later it emerged that she was not wearing it and her handlers fled with the vest. Her age is also a question of debate. The first official version said she was eight. Other officials later said she was 10. But now she says she is nine.

♫ What a wonderful world... ♫
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#19587 misuma 10 år siden

Hvad siger I til at Johnny Depp måske skal spille Dr Strange?

Jeg gi'r thumbs up.
Redrum Redrum Red...Rum Red...what?

#19588 MOVIE1000 10 år siden

misuma (19587) skrev:
Hvad siger I til at Johnny Depp måske skal spille Dr Strange?

Jeg gi'r thumbs up.

Same here.
The earth is not a cold dead place, this is not a cold dead place.

#19589 Batsy 10 år siden

Ditto, han ligner ham og han har den stemme jeg forstiller mig Dr Strange kan have.
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it".


#19590 Batsy 10 år siden

Har fået læst The White Tiger, fantastisk bog 5/6 Slutningen af den ellers fremragende bog synes jeg gik ret for hurtigt og følte mig lidt tom til sidst.

Og har fået købt Children Of Hurin af J.R.R Tolkien (redigeret af hans søn) og er 70 sider inde i den og synes den er indtil videre fantastisk. 5/6
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it".

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