
#281 Killkaj 16 år siden

Snehvide :b ?

#282 Herrguth 16 år siden

#281 Ja, det er det. :0)
Snow White: A Tale of Terror.

Du får turen!

#283 Killkaj 16 år siden

Sender den videre til en anden :b

#284 rockysds 16 år siden

There was no bullshit, no arty pretensions. "Doug," he'd say when we were doing Written on the Wind, "Give me some bosom."

#285 filmfan 16 år siden

Er det ikke Martin Sheen .... Badlands?
There are two types of people that I can't stand in this world. People who are insensitive of other people's culture, and the Dutch

#286 rockysds 16 år siden

Det er det da. Din tur.
There was no bullshit, no arty pretensions. "Doug," he'd say when we were doing Written on the Wind, "Give me some bosom."

#287 Steffan Rasmussen 16 år siden

He. Så kommer der kun 39 billeder i den næste quiz, Christian. :-)
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone ... You answer it.

#288 filmfan 16 år siden

Ja - sådan må det være :-)

Billede 1
There are two types of people that I can't stand in this world. People who are insensitive of other people's culture, and the Dutch

#289 Steffan Rasmussen 16 år siden

Thelma and Louise.
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone ... You answer it.

#290 filmfan 16 år siden

Korrekt ... nu kender du svaret på film nr 40 ...
There are two types of people that I can't stand in this world. People who are insensitive of other people's culture, and the Dutch

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