#111 Har ikke set den. Tror faktisk det sidste jeg så af James Ivory var "Surviving Picasso" helt tilbage i slut 90'erne som sammen med "Jefferson in Paris" lidt dræbte min lyst til at se hans film. Jeg burde nok få kigget mere på, hvad han ellers har lavet. Så for nyligt "Howard End" og var måløs over, hvor fantastisk flot den holder sig.
"Here I was born, and there I died. It was only a moment for you; you took no notice."
1. Lion King, The 2. Beauty and the Beast 3. Shrek 2 4. The Edge 5. Burnt by the Sun 6. Barber of Siberia 7. Underground 8. Black Cat, White Cat 9. T2 10. Anastasia 11. Kolya 12. Le Concert 13. Duchess, The 13. Remains of the Day 14. Howard's End 15. Her Majesty Mrs. Brown 16. What's Eating Gilbert Grape? 17. Titanic 18. Since Otar Left 19. Hukkle 20,. Roadside Romeo
Twilight Sparkle: "Real friends don't care what your cover is. Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing.
Almost Famous Braveheart Contact Into the wild Jerry Maguire Leaving Las Vegas Léon Lion King, The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Mononoke Hime Moulin Rouge Out of Sight Saving Private Ryan Se7en Stranger Than Fiction Usual Suspects, The V for Vendetta Wall-E Wo hu cang long
Og så tager vi den også lige engang til herinde, på den rigtige måde, beklager jeg ikke lige havde fået fat i det med "The" til sidst;-)
District 9 Memento Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Watchmen Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Pulp Fiction Big Lebowski, The Donnie Darko Sin City Fargo Dark Knight, The Fight Club Shawshank Redemption, The Social Network, The American Beauty Trainspotting Falling Down Forrest Gump Leon Se7en
Lost Highway Låt den rätte komma in Matrix The Donnie Darko Moon Pulp Fiction Braveheart Big Lebowski, The Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi Ying Xiong Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas Happiness Natural Born Killers Dead Poets SocietyDead Man Kōkaku Kidōtai 12 Monkeys 28 Days Later There Will Be Blood Fountain, The Mulholland Drive
Da det viste sig at døde poeters klub var for gammel, bytter jeg den ud med Dead Man.
#111 BN 14 år siden
Har du set - og i givet fald hvordan vurderer du - Merchant/Ivory-filmen 'The White Countess' fra 2005? (For mig ligger den til 4/6.)
#112 Benway 14 år siden
#113 Babo Rises 14 år siden
hehe!! IK er min dreng :-) Men ja, T2 skal da med, når nu der er tale om den fedeste actionfilm :-)
#114 IK 14 år siden
Nu får jeg dårlig samvittighed :(
#115 Babo Rises 14 år siden
hehe! Jeg kan trøste dig med, at jeg også glemte et par stykker, men hul i det.
#116 Sweetiebellefan 14 år siden
1. Lion King, The
2. Beauty and the Beast
3. Shrek 2
4. The Edge
5. Burnt by the Sun
6. Barber of Siberia
7. Underground
8. Black Cat, White Cat
9. T2
10. Anastasia
11. Kolya
12. Le Concert
13. Duchess, The
13. Remains of the Day
14. Howard's End
15. Her Majesty Mrs. Brown
16. What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
17. Titanic
18. Since Otar Left
19. Hukkle
20,. Roadside Romeo
#117 BN 14 år siden
En interessant film du har med dér. Den har jeg altid godt kunnet tænke mig at se, men har bare ikke haft mulighed for det endnu.
#118 tiany 14 år siden
Into the wild
Jerry Maguire
Leaving Las Vegas
Lion King, The
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Mononoke Hime
Moulin Rouge
Out of Sight
Saving Private Ryan
Stranger Than Fiction
Usual Suspects, The
V for Vendetta
Wo hu cang long
Fuck det var svært :/
#119 djibyman2-the seque 14 år siden
District 9
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Pulp Fiction
Big Lebowski, The
Donnie Darko
Sin City
Dark Knight, The
Fight Club
Shawshank Redemption, The
Social Network, The
American Beauty
Falling Down
Forrest Gump
#120 I.F.F. 14 år siden
Låt den rätte komma in
Matrix The
Donnie Darko
Pulp Fiction
Big Lebowski, The
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
Ying Xiong
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
Natural Born Killers
Dead Poets SocietyDead ManKōkaku Kidōtai
12 Monkeys
28 Days Later
There Will Be Blood
Fountain, The
Mulholland Drive
Da det viste sig at døde poeters klub var for gammel, bytter jeg den ud med Dead Man.