#22 Der er heller ikke så meget tid, men vi har jo screener DVD'er på det meste, og det benytter jeg mig af. Men mon ikke det bliver til 3-4 film under festivalen også.
Se verdens bedste indiefilm online på indiemondo.com
Endnu en gang vil jeg gerne anbefale The Turin Horse og Hobo With A Shotgun... Hestefilmen er fantastisk flot og dragende imens bumsefilmen er med højt tempo og vanvittig galskab hele vejen igennem. Drop derimod Tetsuo (helt utroligt at den kunne blive så dårlig) og Burke And Hare (ligeledes).
Jeg glæder mig til Cold Fish, Enter The Void, Super, Death Kappa, 13 Assassins, Robot og Troll Hunter... men jeg har også kun skimtet programmet, og der gemmer sig sikkert meget mere end det =)
"Avatar blev skrevet flere år før Pocahontas, og dermed (forhåbentlig indlysende) også før Irak krigen"
Jackie Chan is the highest-paid actor in Asia, and that makes sense. Besides producing, directing, and starring in his own action movies since 1980, he's earned millions in Hollywood with blockbusters like Rush Hour and The Karate Kid. But the No. 2 spot goes to someone who doesn't make any sense at all. The second-highest-paid actor in Asia is a balding, middle-aged man with a paunch, hailing from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and sporting the kind of moustache that went out of style in 1986. This is Rajinikanth, and he is no mere actor—he is a force of nature. If a tiger had sex with a tornado and then their tiger-nado baby got married to an earthquake, their offspring would be Rajinikanth. Or, as his films are contractually obligated to credit him, "SUPERSTAR Rajinikanth!"
If you haven't heard of Rajinikanth before, you will on Oct. 1, when his movie Enthiran (The Robot) opens around the world. It's the most expensive Indian movie of all time. It's getting the widest global opening of any Indian film ever made, with 2,000 prints exploding onto screens simultaneously. Yuen Wo-ping (The Matrix) did the action, Stan Winston Studios (Jurassic Park) did creature designs, George Lucas' Industrial Light and Magic did the effects, and Academy Award-winning composer A.R. Rahman (Slumdog Millionaire) wrote the music. It's a massive investment, but the producers fully expect to recoup that, because this isn't just some film they're releasing; this is a Rajinikanth film.
At 61 years old, Rajinikanth has made more than 150 movies in India, and he isn't even a proper Bollywood star. He works in the Tamil film industry, Bollywood's poorer Southern cousin, best-known for its ace cinematographers and gritty crime dramas. But whereas Bollywood stars may have devoted fans, Rajinikanth is considered beyond reproach, beyond criticism, beyond good or bad.
Indian message boards are alight with Rajinikanth jokes, the equivalent of Chuck Norris jokes. ("Rajinikanth was bitten by a cobra. After four days of intense suffering, the snake died.") Onscreen, when Rajinikanth points his finger, it's accompanied by the sound of a whip cracking. When he becomes enraged, the director cuts to a shot of a gorilla pounding his chest or inserts a tiger roaring on the soundtrack. Echo is added to enhance his "punch dialogues," rhyming lines uttered at moments of high drama. "When I will arrive, or how I will arrive, nobody will know, but I will arrive when I ought to," he snarls, confusingly. Or, "I will do what I say. I will also do what I don't say." Then he punches some goon so hard that he flies through the windshield of a minivan and continues on out the back window. Can't argue with that.
All of his movies are named after his character, and every single one of them starts with a musical number in which he introduces himself in the most insane way possible. In the first scene of Padayappa (1999), he's asked, "Hey man, who are you?" and his answer is a four-minute musical number in which he plays the harmonica, flips through the air, oversees a massive martial-arts demonstration, and then morphs into a baby. At the end, the village chief says, "Padayappa, that song was excellent," at which point the music revs up again, Rajinikanth climbs a 30-foot-tall human tower and smashes open a clay pot, fireworks explode, and the director's credit flies out of it.
This is Rajinikanth, and he is no mere actor—he is a force of nature. If a tiger had sex with a tornado and then their tiger-nado baby got married to an earthquake, their offspring would be Rajinikanth. Or, as his films are contractually obligated to credit him, "SUPERSTAR Rajinikanth!
Charlie Sheen ?
J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots." Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
Der er dog designet en splinter ny hjemmeside, som vi dog har problemer med at få til at køre, men den burde være klar semest mandag. Her vil du også kunne se de informationer du efterlyser...
#21 Antlion 13 år siden
12:00 - King of Thorn
16:20 - The Turin Horse (Béla Tarr er naturligvis førsteprioritet)
19:00 - The Mill and the Cross
22:00 - Cold Fish
#22 Outbound Sith 13 år siden
Det var i øvrigt fedt at få hilst på dig i Grand i onsdags. Mon ikke jeg får en set "Sjuwawski"-film eller to i løbet af festivalen? ;)
Fox Mulder
#23 frahm-2 13 år siden
Der er heller ikke så meget tid, men vi har jo screener DVD'er på det meste, og det benytter jeg mig af. Men mon ikke det bliver til 3-4 film under festivalen også.
#24 Lord Beef Jerky 13 år siden
Jeg glæder mig til Cold Fish, Enter The Void, Super, Death Kappa, 13 Assassins, Robot og Troll Hunter... men jeg har også kun skimtet programmet, og der gemmer sig sikkert meget mere end det =)
#25 Lord Beef Jerky 13 år siden
#26 Highland Park 13 år siden
Apropos "Robot" så er jeg stødt på en ret underholdende artikel om "SUPERSTAR Rajinikanth!" og hans film:
#27 Outbound Sith 13 år siden
Jeg var slet ikke klar over, at ILM havde lavet effekterne på "Robot". Det må fandme have været sjovt! :)
Fox Mulder
#28 Lord Beef Jerky 13 år siden
#29 elwood 13 år siden
Charlie Sheen ?
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#30 Highland Park 13 år siden