
#1 Bruce 13 år siden

Lille tråd om det, som forhåbentlig bliver næste års største sci-fi brag, Ridley Scotts Prometheus.

Her er der de første billeder fra settet. Billederne er blevet fjernet fra det oprindelige site efter ønske fra Fox, men de kan ENDNU, ses her:[/url]

Idris Elba, den formidable forretningsorienterede skurk fra The Wire, har også tilsluttet sig det allerede fremragende cast og kan byde ind med:

"There’s a fair amount of special effects in this film, yeah. But, with Ridley, he actually prefers to do it for real. Real locations, real sets, which is really a treat for us actors."

Asked whether the production involves some grand sets, the actor revealed: "Yes. Yes, yes, yes - definitely. I can safely say that without getting sued!"

Scott told the site he has done everything possible to keep the script for his new science fiction film a secret.

(An exception was made, when a security courier flew to a location outside actors and stood guard for two hours while the script was read carefully .)… “I insisted that the script does not leak on the Internet, where it is dissected out of context, that spoil for all.”Its cast, including Oscar winner Charlize Theron and hot actors Michael Fassbender, Rapace Noomi, Idris Elba, Harris, Sean and Kate Dickie, not only had to sign confidentiality clauses, but only allowed to read the story if you have visited Ridley production office.

“It is the story of creation, the gods and the man who was against them. “I’m using the giant 007 in James Bond stage at Pinewood and six sound stages to the film itself.”There is a small film,” joked Ridley.

Scott explained the outline of the film and its genesis as follows: “Despite the ‘Alien’ was actually the starting point for this project, out of the creative process developed a new mythology, and the vast universe original story that takes place. Ridley said again that the film is a prequel to Alien, but said no more than that. The chapters recognize big fan of ‘Alien’ DNA, so to speak, but the ideas addressed in this film are unique, large and provocative. “
Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos

#2 Bruce 13 år siden

Muligt billede af den nye "Alien"

Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos

#3 HonoDelLoce 13 år siden

Bruce (2) skrev:
Muligt billede af den nye "Alien"


You tease!
Jeg har intet problem med ikke at have ret. Det er kun, hvis nogen påpeger det, jeg bliver stædig!

#4 Batsy 13 år siden

2# Ser uhyggelig ud!
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it".


#6 Batsy 13 år siden

5# Hahahah geniale, tak for nogle gode grin 8D
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it".


#7 chronaden 13 år siden

Nogle photo's var et meget tidligt Prometheus set :)

#8 Babo Rises 13 år siden

Bruce (1) skrev:
Lille tråd om det, som forhåbentlig bliver næste års største sci-fi brag, Ridley Scotts Prometheus.

Sagt fra en anden fan: Det tror jeg så ikke helt på :)

#9 Bruce 13 år siden

Babo Rises (8) skrev:
Sagt fra en anden fan: Det tror jeg så ikke helt på :)

Jeg er ret fortrøstningsfuld. Nu har du jo før taget fejl :)
Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos

#10 Babo Rises 13 år siden

Bruce (9) skrev:
Jeg er ret fortrøstningsfuld

Det ville også undre mig, hvis du ikke var. Jeg tror på Alien bliver slået i alle aspekter. Inklusiv omtale og anmeldelser. Men hvis jeg tager fejl, så bukker jeg mig selvfølgelig i støvet :)

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