
#41 Bruce 14 år siden


Artikel, hvor de mere konservative medier støtter Gervais optræden

Og Daily Mail afslutter:

He already had a certain underground appeal, but the Globes appearances will have earned him a cult following around the world: The man who went to Hollywood and told them what a bunch of self-regarding boobies they are!

Take the passage in which he said: ‘It’s an honour to be here in a room full of what I consider to be the most important people on the planet. Actors. They’re just better than ordinary people, aren’t they?

This was delivered with puckish irony. Americans do not always notice irony but they did this time. Gervais was saying to his audience, ‘stop being so vain, stop being so self-congratulatory’. Good for him. If it took a boy from the back streets of Reading, Berks, to say this, we should be proud of him.
Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos

#42 Kruse 14 år siden

#41: Men hvorfor vælger de at fremhæve et citat fra forrige Golden Globes uddeling? Men det er selvfølgelig stadigt rammende på Ricky Gervais holdning.
"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye."

#43 Bruce 14 år siden

#42 Jeg troede det var fra i år, men ja. I såfald ret mærkeligt.

Og Rickys blog. Han drak åbenbart med Tom Hanks og Tim Allen bagefter.
Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos

#44 Kruse 14 år siden

#43: Arrrhg...skræmmende billede man bliver mødt med ;)

Men fed blog. Han er sgu' klasse :)
"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye."

#45 elwood 14 år siden

Han har et herligt overdrevet smil, når han fortæller sine jokes 8-)
J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots."
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"

#46 elwood 14 år siden

J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots."
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"

#47 Åkepool 14 år siden

Han var intet mindre end fantastisk i år :)
So, at last we meet for the first time for the last time.

#48 Bruce 14 år siden

Piers Morgan har Ricky Gervais som gæst i aften i sit nye show. Bliver spændende. Piers har udtalt følgende til Gervais sidste år

Please do something outrageous,' I begged. 'You're a walking, sneering antidote to all the politically correct back-slapping.'

Mon ikke han har fået smæk for skillingen denne gang :)
Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos

#49 Bruce 14 år siden

Så havde Piers Morgan, afløseren for Larry King, Gervais i studiet i går:

Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos

#50 Bruce 14 år siden

Part II:

Alle har et fradrag, Helle hun har to ... Helle ... havets tournedos

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