Det KAN naturligvis være gas, men Gevais virker til at være en mand der tager sit fag seriøst, og virkelig har gjort sig nogle tanker om komik... I like...
Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock.
Først inviterer man ham. Han advarer flere gange. Han performer. Man slagter ham. Man ser ratings. Man kryber til korset ...
Fra Ricky's Blog:
The TV show organisers said they were happy with everything and asked me to not rule out a third gig. However, it is not entirely up to them. The Hollywood Foreign Press and various other committees need to meet and agree. I have no idea if they want me back again. It depends whether they care about fifty delicate egos in the room or the 200 million people watching at home who want a laugh. Also, even if they did want me back, at the moment I'm pretty sure I shouldn't do it. But I'll tell you this. If they do invite me back and I accept, I'm going to pull exactly the same shit again or even worse.
#51 dyg 14 år siden
#52 Skeloboy 14 år siden
#53 Fynboen 14 år siden
#54 misuma 14 år siden
#55 Åkepool 14 år siden
Ja, sikke noget hø :(
#56 Bruce 14 år siden
Fra Ricky's Blog:
The TV show organisers said they were happy with everything and asked me to not rule out a third gig. However, it is not entirely up to them. The Hollywood Foreign Press and various other committees need to meet and agree. I have no idea if they want me back again. It depends whether they care about fifty delicate egos in the room or the 200 million people watching at home who want a laugh. Also, even if they did want me back, at the moment I'm pretty sure I shouldn't do it. But I'll tell you this. If they do invite me back and I accept, I'm going to pull exactly the same shit again or even worse.
Once again, everyone has been warned
What Ricky Gervais's Bruising Comedy Teaches About Innovation
#57 Åkepool 14 år siden
Rigtig god artikel, som er spot-on.