"While this was the first time that I'd seen the PS3 version at a press event, the title ran beautifully. The visuals were sharp and well designed, and the framerate was quite solid and seamless. In fact, there were only a few moments where the game slowed down, and that was only after some significant explosions rocked the screen. There were a few other visual glitches, but it was easily understandable given that the build that we played was still an early pre-alpha build. Finally, although the build didn't have any trophies and focused solely on the single player experience instead of the downloadable content coming on the 360, we were told that these elements could potentially be grandfathered into the title with future patches if the demand for these items is high and it's easy to add for the development team."
"The game had fundamental design challenges from the start. We fought to correct the issues, but we were not successful; the game just isn't coming together well enough to meet our own quality expectations as well as those of our consumers,"
Lyder som en god beslutning - jeg havde også haft mine tvivl om projektets success.
#980 - "pink slip" er slang for papirerne på din bil - så hvis man kører et pink slips race, så får vinderen altså taberens bil... ville bare også have det til at gælde nogle af dine trofæer hehe.
Hvad hed det gamle 90'er spil hvor man skulle tune sine biler og køre pink slip races for at vinde flere - det var super sjovt.
#982 - Haha, man må ellers sige at den faldt til jorden med et brag for det udtryk har jeg sgu aldrig hørt om. Aner så intet om biler, billøb eller what-so-ever.. :D
Nyeste anmeldelse: "The Thin Red Line" : http://bonysblog.wordpress.com/
Intet er bekræftet endnu, og stadigvæk rygte indtil videre.
Everyone is going absolutely nuts over the LittleBigPlanet beta, as multiple gaming sites all over the Internet are giving away thousands of access codes. But you may not have to get lucky if you wish to play the game before its October 21 release date...
According to reliable inside information delivered by a reader, it seems Sony plans to open up the beta testing during the final week to give everyone a shot at it. Essentially, they produce the closed beta to generate hype and interest, and then open it up to the public in the form of a playable demo a week before the game launches. The tipster in question posted the following in the Blu-Ray.com forums-
"If you don't get in, don't worry. They are supposed to be opening up the public beta for the final week. Last I heard they were still planning on doing so, this closed beta is just there to generate a bit (a lot) of hype for the game before it releases. Basically they are talking about turning the limited time closed beta into a demo for the week before launch. It is easier to do this than to release a demo."
This info evidently comes straight from SCEE, and if that's true, there's no denying its validity. The concept makes perfect sense to us, too, so we're going to say we're about 95% certain this rumor will be proven correct very soon. For now, we have to say its unconfirmed, but we're definitely leaning towards "truth" rather than bogus. Thanks to our loyal reader for letting us in on the details; we agreed to keep this quiet for a while to keep the beta hype high, but now that hype is un-killable. So we figure it's safe to tell ya about this now.
#980 - "pink slip" er slang for papirerne på din bil - så hvis man kører et pink slips race, så får vinderen altså taberens bil... ville bare også have det til at gælde nogle af dine trofæer hehe.
Hvad hed det gamle 90'er spil hvor man skulle tune sine biler og køre pink slip races for at vinde flere - det var super sjovt.
Har iøvrigt lige hørt fra en ven af Madden'09 skulle have fået ny patch nu så det ikke crasher mere. Så nu er der jo nærmest ingen grund til ikke at købe det. :-)
#981 McPeter 16 år siden
"While this was the first time that I'd seen the PS3 version at a press event, the title ran beautifully. The visuals were sharp and well designed, and the framerate was quite solid and seamless. In fact, there were only a few moments where the game slowed down, and that was only after some significant explosions rocked the screen. There were a few other visual glitches, but it was easily understandable given that the build that we played was still an early pre-alpha build. Finally, although the build didn't have any trophies and focused solely on the single player experience instead of the downloadable content coming on the 360, we were told that these elements could potentially be grandfathered into the title with future patches if the demand for these items is high and it's easy to add for the development team."
Og C&C FPS er nu officielt canceled:
"The game had fundamental design challenges from the start. We fought to correct the issues, but we were not successful; the game just isn't coming together well enough to meet our own quality expectations as well as those of our consumers,"
Lyder som en god beslutning - jeg havde også haft mine tvivl om projektets success.
Og sidst - men ikke mindst - SingStar ABBA details og track list: :-)
#982 McPeter 16 år siden
Hvad hed det gamle 90'er spil hvor man skulle tune sine biler og køre pink slip races for at vinde flere - det var super sjovt.
#983 Bony 16 år siden
#984 elwood 16 år siden
fordi i 2005 udkom Juiced der netop havde pink slip race.
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#985 elwood 16 år siden
Everyone is going absolutely nuts over the LittleBigPlanet beta, as multiple gaming sites all over the Internet are giving away thousands of access codes. But you may not have to get lucky if you wish to play the game before its October 21 release date...
According to reliable inside information delivered by a reader, it seems Sony plans to open up the beta testing during the final week to give everyone a shot at it. Essentially, they produce the closed beta to generate hype and interest, and then open it up to the public in the form of a playable demo a week before the game launches. The tipster in question posted the following in the Blu-Ray.com forums-
"If you don't get in, don't worry. They are supposed to be opening up the public beta for the final week. Last I heard they were still planning on doing so, this closed beta is just there to generate a bit (a lot) of hype for the game before it releases. Basically they are talking about turning the limited time closed beta into a demo for the week before launch. It is easier to do this than to release a demo."
This info evidently comes straight from SCEE, and if that's true, there's no denying its validity. The concept makes perfect sense to us, too, so we're going to say we're about 95% certain this rumor will be proven correct very soon. For now, we have to say its unconfirmed, but we're definitely leaning towards "truth" rather than bogus. Thanks to our loyal reader for letting us in on the details; we agreed to keep this quiet for a while to keep the beta hype high, but now that hype is un-killable. So we figure it's safe to tell ya about this now.
Source: http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/3861.html
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#986 DarkLight 16 år siden
Nu må I tage jer sammen. Det var Street Rod
#987 Bony 16 år siden
#988 McPeter 16 år siden
Dit link er broken - forsøger lige:
#989 McPeter 16 år siden
#990 Bony 16 år siden