It was a tough decision to make, but it came down to either paying homage to the original game and taking the higher rating "hit", or to watering down one of the most important scenes of the original.
Respekt til Capcom for at tage den beslutning.
This weekend will be filled with staring out of windows while holding a glass of scotch.
#171 elwood 16 år siden
Men nu er der snart on the spot, så kan jeg slappe af med det imens.
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#172 ks 16 år siden
#173 McPeter 16 år siden
#174 Bony 16 år siden
#175 HonoDelLoce 16 år siden
Hvis jeg nu siger, at jeg er meget uopfindsom, så kan i næsten gætte hvad jeg hedder derinde ;)
#176 Bony 16 år siden
#177 DarkLight 16 år siden
As you can see, for a 2D side scrolling action game, this puts us into the "older" crowd.
It was a tough decision to make, but it came down to either paying homage to the original game and taking the higher rating "hit", or to watering down one of the most important scenes of the original.
Respekt til Capcom for at tage den beslutning.
#178 HonoDelLoce 16 år siden
Nej, du knækkede koden med bravour i bedste Dan Brown-stil :)
#179 Bony 16 år siden
Var der nogen der havde noget info om det Konami "Game Name" ID til EU brugere af MGO Betaen..?
(Damn, det lød nørdet! Snack!)
#180 DarkLight 16 år siden