Fansiden The Indy Experience bragte for nyligt en nyhed om at der angiveligt skulle være en serie af nye film på vej om den berømte arkæolog, Indiana Jones, efter den fjerde film er lavet.

Rollen som Jones skulle være tiltænkt Haley Joel Osment, der vil spille en ung arkæolog, inden han bliver til manden vi mødte i “Raiders of the Lost Ark”.

Vis kommentarer (48)

#21 nostromo 18 år siden

Patriarch, you are right, without Williams, it would not be quite the same. But rest assured that he has signed up for Indy 4... If you care to see what he is up to these days, check him out here :

Man I wish they would release Star Wars Eps 2 and 3 score in a two disc set ...

PS. Geisha should be quite special, I heard that it was a very unique new score from Williams, and he has spent more time on getting it right than on his other ethnic style scores...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#22 Patriarch 18 år siden


Thanks yeah.. I know hes up for Indy 4...its the new breed of young indy I'm worried about...

øøh..hov... du forstår jo godt dansk :D
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

#23 filmz-Harry 18 år siden


Ja, klovnen forstår vist udemærket dansk! Og hvis nostromo bor her i Danmark, bør han så sandelig også indrette sig efter det danske sprog, kultur m.m.


What are you doing on a danish website when you talk english!?

The last thing you said about me is the worst bullshit! Im no nazist, just a realist who has a clear meaning of life!!!
Sex er godt og sundt for dit helbred...

#24 elwood 18 år siden

synes nu ikke det er så galt med Nostromo, når det bare kun er ham, jeg går nu ikke op i det så meget, vi forstår ham jo godt, så jeg ser ikke nogen grund til at hænge ham ud pågrund af det.
J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots."
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"

#25 filt 18 år siden

#23, hvad laver du på et dansk website når du skriver på engelsk?
"Let the universe howl in despair, for I have returned..." - Lord Darkseid

#26 JannikAnd 18 år siden

#23, hvad laver du på et dansk website når du er et fjols?

#27 Patriarch 18 år siden

Er det ikke på tide vores admins snart går i gang? :)
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

#28 nostromo 18 år siden

Hey Patriarch, I need to ask you something, I visited my "soon to be my folks-in-law" a few weeks ago. I bought them a boat back home to lure her father to NZ. He is not too happy about her getting married in NZ. He hates flying.

Anyway, I kept hearing the word Poker or Pokker. Or something like that, my girl uses it too every now and then. He mother got a new Digital Camera from me and she couldn't make it work. She said that word over and over and over again, and I have no clue what the heck it means. Can I say Pokker dig or Pok?

What does it mean?

And there was this other thing "for soeren". Isn't that a name? Or is that a place? Like in hell?

Her dad says Satans but I kinda know what that means.

Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#29 filmz-cookie 18 år siden


"for pokker" or "pokkers" means someting like "damn"

"for soeren/Søren" has nothing to do with hell...Soeren is a Danish name, actually my name is Søren! Why my name is connected to a swear word I have no idea!

#30 nostromo 18 år siden

hmmm interesting so if I say, Pokker Dig is like Damn you? And Pokkers is Damn or damnit?

Yeah I see your point, using your name as a swear word does kind of sound strange. But I guess it is like "For Pete's sake" I guess. That is the only thing I can come up with that involves names at this point in the Eng. language. But I am sure there are others...

Thanks for clearing that up... ;-) You're the man!
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

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