Heath Ledger er fundet død i en lejlighed på Manhatten, skriver CNN. Han blev fundet af sin tjenestepige, da hun ville melde ankomsten af en massør. Der er endnu ingen officielle oplysninger om dødsårsagen, men ifølge en talsmand fra politiet blev der fundet piller i nærheden af hans seng, og man undersøger derfor dødsårsagen som en mulig overdosis.
Ledger modtog en Oscar-nominering for sin rolle i “Brokeback Mountain”. Derudover var han kendt fra roller i “Casanova”, “Monster’s Ball” og “The Patriot”.
Han havde for nyligt færdiggjort sit arbejde som The Joker i Batman-filmen “The Dark Knight”.
Heath Ledger blev 28 år gammel.
#251 Highland Park 17 år siden
Men jo, bestemt underligt at hun ikke bare ringede 911 først! Hvad fanden skulle Olsen og hendes sikkerhedsvagter kunne gøre?! De blev endda nægtet adgang til rummet af ambulancefolkene.
#252 filmz-Kragmose 17 år siden
#253 Highland Park 17 år siden
#254 Bony 17 år siden
#255 filmz-DocDoom 17 år siden
#256 Bony 17 år siden
#257 El vez 17 år siden
Gilliam had trouble with studio producers over the black ending he wanted on the film. The producers wanted a "happy Hollywood" film which eliminated (among other things) the final transition and a critical line of dialogue which reveals the fate of Jill. These changes were made, and this "butchered" version was shown on US television at least once. Gilliam threatened to disown the film, and consequently the cinematic release and all videotape versions show the film essentially as he intended it to be seen (although the US cinematic release still omitted the line about Jill).
This film became notorious for its many production problems and cost overruns. Making matters worse was the change in regimes at Columbia Pictures. The new regime, not wanting any production from the old regime to "shine", simply buried the film during its U.S. release. There were many markets, especially the smaller ones, in the U.S. where this movie was not booked at all.
Don Quixote:
Started to direct "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote" in 2001 (in Spain) with Johnny Depp, Vanessa Paradis and Jean Rochefort but the shooting was unfortunately stopped a couple of days after it started because of Jean Rochefort's health problems (he couldn't ride a horse any more). But Terry Gilliam said that he won't give up and that he will try again later because he dreams about making this movie!
"Lost in La Mancha" http://imdb.com/title/tt0308514/ omhandler denne situation og alle de problemer der opstod under produktionen. Fed dokumentar, men ekstremt deprimerende.
Same doku-filmhold lavede også "The Hamster Factor" http://imdb.com/title/tt0116479/ omkring 12 Monkeys, der - gud være lovet - blev færdig. Denne doku er inkluderet i de fleste dvd'udgivelser af 12 Monkeys.
Brothers Grimm:
In June 2004, a stalemate occurred between Bob Weinstein and Terry Gillam over the final cut of the film. Terry Gilliam decided to place the film on hold for six months. He went on to do Tideland (2005) and came back to finish this feature in January 2005. In his version.
Og for at det ikke skulle være nok:
Has been off and on to write and direct a movie adaptation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons's graphic novel "Watchmen." Gilliam has said he attempted to write an accurate screenplay but it would be unfilmable, but he would consider directing it if it were made into 10 or 12-part cable television series.
Was slated to direct an adaptation of the novel "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. The project languished in development for three years before finally being abandoned.
Og det bringer os til "Doctor Parnassus" http://imdb.com/title/tt1054606/ - nu uden hovedrolleindehaver.
#258 rockysds 17 år siden
Ja, han har haft det hårdt. Det er flere gange smertefuldt at se "Lost in La Mancha". The movie must happen someday, please!
Desuden håber jeg virkelig, han får gang i "Good Omens" - et projekt, som han nævner, ikke er fuldstændigt forladt (jeg kan da håbe). Fantastisk bog af Neil Gaiman (as always) og Terry Pratchett.
Mht. "Doctor Parnassus" så er det selvfølgelig trist, men intet ift. overskriften på nyheden. Endnu engang: R.I.P. Legder.
#259 filmz-DocDoom 17 år siden
#260 El vez 17 år siden
"I’m the only one who can make it, 'cos that's what Neil and Terry have said. I’m the only one", Gilliam insists.
- Damn straight!