Den ene del af Las Vegas-duoen Siegfried & Roy, Roy Horn, er i kritisk tilstand efter en tiger gik til angreb på ham under et nummer.
Angrebet skete halvvejs gennem showet, da Horn havde introduceret tigeren og fortalt at det var dens første optræden. Ifølge publikum vendte tigeren hovedet og bed Horn i armen, hvorefter den berømte tigertæmmer forsøgte at slå fra sig med sin mikrofon. Derefter hev tigeren Horn ned på gulvet, bed ham i halsen og slæbte afsted med ham.
Der gik noget tid før det gik op for publikummet at det ikke var en del af showet.
Siegried & Roy har optrådt med deres show, som er en blanding af tigertæmmeri og trylleri, i Las Vegas i næsten 30 år. Roy Horn har optrådt i film som “Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Box” og “Vegas Vacation”, og kunne bl.a. også ses i “Ocean’s Eleven”.
#11 Spanner 21 år siden
Den får kost og logi. Eventuelle kosttilskud står den selv for at skaffe åbenbart.
"Do not talk to me about pork when we have a crisis on my hands!!" - Producerem
#12 Kalle Ferm 21 år siden
Så slap nu lige af. Det kan godt ske at de har et dårligt show, og I ikke er enige i deres behandling af dyr - men ligefrem at fryde sig over at et menneske er i kritisk tilstand efter at være blevet skambidt, virker noget afstumpet.
#13 filmz-Kviksand 21 år siden
#14 filmz-vassago 21 år siden
#15 azathoth 21 år siden
Desværre bliver det stakkels dyr jo sikkert nok aflivet, fordi den er for farlig... hallo... DET ER EN TIGER!!
#16 Kalle Ferm 21 år siden
#17 filmz-che 21 år siden
#18 Kalle Ferm 21 år siden
"For most circus animals it is very bad life... but in the case of this act I know from research that they are very good to their animals and are never mistreated.
I can't agree with the assessment that in the case of white tigers that leaving them in the wild is the best choice however. It would be nice and it sounds ideal... but the world is not an ideal place. There is not enough habitat for even normal tigers and most will be facing extinction if not for zoo breeding programs and the few reserves.
Add on top of that the fact that white tigers face additional problems in the wild. They lack important pigmentation that helps them with camoflage so they can hunt effectively and have other handicaps as well. They are not as successful as their more colorful cousins. Without captive breeding they'd probably be so rare no one would ever see one.
Natural habitat type zoos and reserves are the best answer... but in a few cases I dont object to entertainment acts. This pair of performers is one of the exceptions that I make. The compound where they keep and train their animals is better than most zoos in the world and the animals receive excellent care. The act also shows people what beautiful animals they are and increases the public's perception of how important it is to protect such wild animals. If they see the animals they are more likely to donate money and support legislation to protect them.
I know that these performers would be the last two to blame the animal in this accident. They know the risks and that they are wild animals at heart.
It's a terrible incident all the way around."
#19 filmz-Harry 21 år siden
#20 filmz--Zion- 21 år siden