Rockmusikeren Marilyn Manson får nu sin debut som filminstruktør, når optagelserne til “Phantasmagoria – The Visions of Lewis Carroll” går i gang. Yderligere skal Manson spille rollen som forfatteren til den kendte klassiker “Alice i Eventyrland”.
Manson har desuden også skrevet filmens manuskript i samarbejde med Anthony Silva, og skal envidere komponere musikken til filmen, som forbinder Carrolls liv med hans berømte digt “Phantasmagoria”.
Modellen Lily Cole har fået rollen som Alice, mens Angelina Jolie er i forhandlinger om at skulle spille den Røde Dronning.
Produktionen er sat til at blive påbegyndt til sommer.
#31 akerman 19 år siden
Derudover tror jeg han har evnerne, han virker absolut ikke tabt bag en vogn når man hører ham i interviews.
Ville dog stadig ikke møde ham i en mørk gyde...
#32 filmz-Kadann 19 år siden
Det maling, korset o.s.v. er jo netop det, sammen med hans musik, der har givet ham den indtægt (som helt sikkert ikke er lille), så det virker jo. :)
Som ks skriver, så tror jeg helt bestemt at du bliver skuffet, fordi MM går ikke i glemmebogen. Han er jo en af dem der har gjort metal til populærmusik og givet teenagetøserne noget nyt at blive våde i trusserne over, i stedet for det ligegyldige musik der kommer fra diverse boybands.
Meget kan man sige om ham og hans band, men der er ikke umiddelbart noget andet band der lyder som dem, så om ikke andet har de ihvertfald en smule originalitet at byde på, modsat andre stjerner på top xx-listerne, som ikke kan finde på andet end lowcut bukser, diamantøreringe og baseballkasketter der sidder i en sær position på hovedet.
#33 zombieman 19 år siden
#34 filmz-Kaffekongen 19 år siden
Hail to the King, baby! -Ash
billed af dvd-samling:
#35 rubberdub 19 år siden
#36 gi-jones 19 år siden
#37 Confused101 19 år siden
Men jeg kunne ikke lade være med at komme i tanke om en anden M.M vandrehistorie jeg engang hørte. Han skulle have fået opereret sin kærestes ene øje ud og erstattet det med et glasøje. Formålet var han kunne tage øjet ud, og dyrke sex i hullet.
Men jeg tror nu nok M.M kunne blive en udemærket instruktør. Han er jo showman i den grad og han virker som om pæren er skruet rigtigt i oven i hovedet. Han virker måske lidt kugleskør og sær udaf til, men hvis man sammenligner vores bankkontoer med hans vil jeg sige han har det sidste grin.
#38 nakalay 19 år siden
#39 stefsims 19 år siden
En anden skidt beskrivelse:
Death metal er oftest med growl \m/
Black metal er oftest med noget noget der minder om en mand der gerne vil lyde som en gammel heks ;D
Find ud af forskellen ved at se på der er der mp3-klip fra forskellige genrer indenfor metalverdenen.
Ellers lyder det da som nogle spændende projekter MM har gang i.
Jeg fandt lige dette interview om emnet:
interview by: AUSTIN SCAGGS
"The other night I took an eighty-year-old taxidermied monkey, set it on fire in the pool and filmed it from beneath with an underwater camera," says Marilyn Manson, sitting in his home in Los Angeles. "It was beautiful, like the Titanic, the Hindenburg and King Kong all mixed into one."
Manson has come to a crossroads in his career. "I no longer want to make art that other people -- particularly record companies -- are turning into a product," he says. "I just want to make art." And he's invented a new genre for his new breed of art: "horripilation." "It's horrifying, and it's depilatory," he explains. "It will horrify the hair off of your legs."
First up is PHANTASMAGORIA: The Visions Of Lewis Carroll , a set of four short films to be released through his Web site. "It's the visions of Lewis Caroll -- in fact I'm playing Carroll," he says. In Installment One, Manson explores the origin of Alice in Wonderland's Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. "I might add that the girls playing Tweedle Dee and Dum are twins who get to have real, genuine sex with each other. I like to make dreams come true."
Manson is also opening an art gallery in L.A., publishing a book of paintings, planning to convert his basement wine cellar into an opium den ("I don't drink wine") and sporting a goatee for an upcoming cameo opposite Lucy Liu in Rise.
He's also got eighteen songs in the can. "It's not like I'm going to stop making music and start knitting," he says. "I just don't think the world is worth putting the music into right now. First we're gonna fix the world with horripilation."
Ovenstående interview er sakset fra
#40 Confused101 19 år siden
* Melodic death metal, where harmonies and melodies are much more present in the guitarwork. Although more melodic, it can sound more raw than the more precise sounding American variety. This subgenre is mostly associated with Sweden, especially in Gothenburg, as well as Norway and Finland (see Scandinavian death metal). The genre finds its best representation in At the Gates, In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, and Arch Enemy. The Iron Maiden-esque techniques employed by these "Gothenburg" bands formed a riff-lexicon frequently used by many metalcore bands that have risen in popularity since 2001. Because of this style's origin, these bands are (often mockingly) called Gothencore (See: metalcore). Many metal fans consider this genre to be separate from true death metal.
* Florida Death Metal, which includes some of the most notable bands. They are more rigid and percussive than the Swedish variant, more precise, refined and traditional compared to Deathgrind, yet more direct and brutal than the Technical variety. Bands include Deicide, Monstrosity, Obituary, Cannibal Corpse, Death (some albums are technical as well).
* Technical death metal, a narrow, but influential subgenre where musical complexity and skill is the main focus. It is represented by bands like Gorguts, Necrophagist, Cynic, Atheist, Origin, and eventually, Death.
* Brutal death metal, developed by combining certain aspects of the song structures of goregrind with death metal. Brutal Death Metal is associated with bands like Devourment, Vomit Remnants, and Internal Suffering. One main characteristic of Brutal Death is the vocal style, often called "Cookie Monster" vocals, or "bullfrog" vocals (I've even heard "cricket" vocals, like the ones by Devourment), the words are mostly unitelligable, sung in a grunting and choppy manner, & usually following the guitar riffs. Brutal death bands seem to compete, to try to have lower, sicker vocals than anyone else.. Secondly, the guitar riffs are usually either very chunky or hyper fast, down-tuned, with pinch harmonics, & little to no mid-range in the distortion. Drumming is usually all over the place, from slow churning chunk, to hyper blasting speed, there is almost no middle ground. Suffocation is probably one of the main influences for this style.
* Death/doom, which is a slowed down, melancholic subgenre, inspired by classic doom metal. It was created by the likes of Asphyx, Disembowelment, My Dying Bride, Anathema, and Paradise Lost.
* Slam death metal, characterised by frequent Hardcore-like breakdowns and low grunting vocals. Internal Bleeding, Devourment (they also borrow heavily from Goregrind), and Dying Fetus are slam death metal bands.
* Blackened death, which is death metal mixed with black metal stylistic influences, notable in the vocals and riffing style. Dissection is a prime example of this genre, as is Emperor on their IX Equilibrium album, and Zyklon (featuring former members of Emperor).
* Death Thrash (also called Deathrash), which is Thrash with elements of death metal including speed, guitar picking techniques and vocals. In the earliest incarnation this style was the progression from Thrash metal to death metal. Some bands are Benediction, Cancer, Konkhra and Criminal. Some Sepultura albums could also be classified this way.
* Fast guitars with tremolo picking
* Lyrics that take the form of Satanic, Pagan, or occult themes which blaspheme Christianity. Bands such as Slayer, Landser, Deicide, Death's Head, and Immolation overlap lyrically with black metal somewhat, but are musically defined as death metal (Immolation, Deicide), thrash metal (Death's Head, Slayer), or Rock Against Communism (RAC) (Landser, Intimidation One).
* Relatively thin guitar sound or relatively thick guitar sound, usually not in the middle.
* Limited production used intentionally as a statement against mainstream music and/or to reflect the mood of the music, to create atmosphere. This 'underproduced' effect is often achieved by cutting out low and high frequencies, leaving just the mid frequency range.
* Fast, aggressive drums, often with blast beats. At other times, the drums can take a slower role usually accompanied by a very dry and empty tone — especially for the effect of the atmosphere of the music.
* Occasional electronic keyboard use. The violin, organ, and choir settings are most common, which gives the music an orchestral feel or a cathedral-like setting. Some bands tend to use keyboards very frequently, whether it be as an instrument or even as the basis of their entire sound. They are generally placed under the symphonic black metal label.
* High-pitched/distorted screeching vocals. Contrary to popular belief, these are not essential as there have been many black metal bands old and new employing different vocal styles.
* Swift percussion.
* Cold, dark, sad, melancholy, or gloomy atmosphere.