Som følgende af hackerangebet på Sony Pictures er en lang række fortrolige e-mails blevet lækket til offentligheden. Og udover fortrolige samtaler mellem producere og instruktør David Fincher om Steve Jobs-filmen, er der nu også kommet informationer om Sonys superhelte franchise, “The Amazing Spider-Man”.

Se også: Store filmtitler ryger online efter omfattende hacking hos Sony

Tidligere på året gik der rygter om at Spider-Man ville dukke op i Marvels film sammen med blandt andre Iron Man og Thor. Og nu viser hackerangrebet, at der var noget om snakken.

Direktøren for Sony Pictures Entertainment Doug Belgrade prøvede at starte en ny trilogi med Spider-Man, hvor Marvel skulle producere, mens Sony skulle distribuere filmene og have den kreative kontrol. Men det blev som bekendt ved snakken, og projektet blev skrinlagt igen.

Sony vil i januar måned afholde et møde, hvor de beslutter sig for, hvad der skal ske med karakteren. Det er muligt at vi stadig får en “The Amazing Spider-Man 3”, men efter den sidste film ikke klarede sig så godt som filmstudiet havde håbet på, har de indset, at der muligvis skal lægges nye planer.

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Vis kommentarer (13)

#11 Driver 10 år siden


En skam, at det er sparsomt med detaljer, men hvis det passer, så lyder hun da til at være lidt af en narrefisse, hende Pascal.
“Of course, it’s a friendly call. Listen, if it wasn’t friendly, you probably wouldn’t have even got it.”

#12 MonsTruz 10 år siden

Tror det er alt for sent at få spiderman med i Civil War filmen. Tvivler på de ville kunne nå og introducere ham ordenligt inden.
Filmen kommer nok til at ligge et godt stykke væk fra tegneserien.

Men jeg ville virkelig gerne se Spiderman tilbage i folden hos marvel!

Man kan kun håbe! Kan huske at Hugh Jackmann var vild med idéen om at dukke op i en Avengers film.

#13 SublimeKen 10 år siden

Jeg tror aldrig det var planen at have ham i en stor rolle. Det ser ud til at Black Panther har taget hans rolle fra tegneserien. Jeg tror planen mest af alt har været at han skulle have en udvidet cameo som introducerede ham til Marvel's cinematiske univers, en rolle der ville være nem at skrive ind eller ud baseret på hvordan deres forhandlinger med Sony går :)

In other new:

Her er lidt mere fra Sony leaks og Latino Review:

Det lyder som om at Sony allerede har fyret Andrew Garfield for ikke at møde op til en eller anden Sony fest: skrev:
The "Sony Hack" debacle is the gift which keeps on giving, and the latest chain of emails shed some light on some of the Spider-Man details we've been hearing over the past few days! Based on emails seen by Mashable, Andrew Garfield's comments about studio interference being responsible for the tepid response to The Amazing Spider-Man 2 have upset the wrong people, especially as he failed to appear at a Sony corporate dinner in July which would have seen him meet Sony CEO Kaz Hirai and a number of other executives. However, "His absence (with less than an hour of notice) was seen as an affront and slight by the company's Tokyo bosses," according to the site. As a result, he's been effectively fired as talk of a new Spider-Man began in October.

Så er der Amy Pascal's noter til sig selv om hvad de skal gøre med Spider-Man Franchisen og hendes for og imod tanker for at inludere ham i Civil War. skrev:
if we have spiderman in cap 3. what is our fee and our back end. need script approval, casting approval of sm and aunt may and consultation of mays house in queens and any other spiderman locations we may need in future movies. also approval of new spiderman costume> how long is he is the movie? how closely does it follow the civil war story line? does the world find out who spiderman is? are there any other characters from the spiderman universe they are using? can we use one of the marvel characters in our future spiderman movies not produced by marvel.can we use cap to set up ss? can drew work with the russos to get this done? are we renting him out?"

undefined skrev:

would we have to dismantle ss?

can drew goddard write the sm original?

who would direct the sm movie?

what do we do with matt tolmach and avi?

they can not put spidey in future spiderman movies or team ups.

we need to keep animation rights for a theatrical relaesse spiderman move to be directed by lord and miller. we need to be able to make spiderman movies after this movie we need to be able to make the girl team up movie

is it possible to put spidey in worlds without other characcters once we is with iron man and cap

can we have him in cap and then 6 months later in ss

we have a right to co finance any movie that spiderman is in and get a production credit

we get to make future movies with our characters and theirs in a collorative way but we dont need their approval. marvel produces a bunch of spiderman movies for sony the way they do for disney....all spiderman dominent movie are financed snd marketed by us event though disney will have the mrech on eerything

we can put the marvel and even disney logo on ours if we can put sony on theirs

Og hvis man er interesseret i at vide hvad man Marvel ønsker at gøre med Spider-Man, så læs her. Det viser sig at en film fokuseret på Aunt May var en realitet fra sony, men at Marvel hadede ideen. skrev:
According to the report, Marvel was told about Sony's plan for a Female Spider movie which also included a potential spin-off of an Aunt May origin story, which Marvel "severely disliked".

With that reason, if the collaborative Sony deal were to happen, Marvel is looking to have "creative control over the character". This creative control entails "wiping the slate clean with Sony's Amazing Spider-Man universe". Any actors currently under contract with Sony's Spider-Man films will not be picked up to keep it far away from the Sony movies as possible, which likely may include not bringing back Andrew Garfield. Although another report is mentioning that Sony may have already fired Andrew Garfield just this past October.

One of the big changes Marvel has planned for their own solo Spider-Man film will be to take the focus "away from the romance and drama" which was very prominent on Marc Webb's installment. Marvel understands that the "romance has been played out over five installments already". Instead, the romance will only be a part of the whole film's side-story.

Marvel's main plan is to bring the focus back as Spider-Man the superhero. Bringing the character back to his true roots: A teenager fighting to balance his dual life as a superhero - "issues that were brought to life well in the original 2004 Spider-Man 2 film".

Marvel also believes "Spider-Man's origin is well-trodden territory. Any new Spider-Man movie in this new deal would begin with Peter Parker already leading a dual life as Spider-Man". The report ends by stating "Spider-Man making his debut in Captain America: Civil War would have served as the character's introduction to the Marvel Cinematic Universe".

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