Efter George Bush’ valgsejr planlægger Michael Moore nu en fortsættelse til sin omdiskuterede dokumentar “Fahrenheit 9/11”.

Filmen vil komme til at gå under titlen “Fahrenheit 9/11 ½” og vil atter gå Bush i bedene.

Moore siger: ”Vi vil have kameraerne i gang nu og have den klar om 2-3 års tid. Vi ønsker at dokumentere og kommercialisere den. 51 procent af den amerikanske befolkning manglede information (ved dette valg), og vi ønsker at uddanne og oplyse dem. De fik ikke sandheden at vide. Vi er kommunikatører, og det er op til os at begynde på det nu. Den officielle sørgeperiode er ovre i dag, og der er et lyspunkt – George W. Bush er nu lovmæssigt forhindret i at stille op igen.”

Vis kommentarer (20)

#11 filmz-gimleno1 19 år siden

Man undrer sig jo over at manden gider blive ved, det er jo hermed endegyldigt blevet bevist at den overvejende halvdel af amerikanere intet har mellem ørene
..my hovercraft is full of eels..

#12 filmz-Kaffekongen 19 år siden

Skal moore uddanne den amerikanske befolkning!!!! Jeg ved godt at amerikanere måske ikke er så informerede, men Moore er måske ikke den rette til at undervise nogen! Det er jo ikke fordi han er verdens mest objektive mand. Jeg syntes han er Moore er god, men ser ham mere som underholdning, end dokumentar! Det kræver man ser det som en god gang propaganda.
Hail to the King, baby! -Ash
billed af dvd-samling: http://www.absolute.cc/_borders/23_20a.jpg

#13 filmz-blaze 19 år siden

Jeg vil sige at uanset hvordan moore har klipet sin film sammen eller hvor meget den er fra hans egen synspunkt så er der nogen ting i filmen siger ret meget. F.eks at Ladens familie handler med Bush og at rejste ud af landet osv osv osv osv... Så nok er det for at manipulere med folk "hvilket alle media som regel ALTID gør" men det er ikke løgne han fyre af. Han fortæller noget som folk har ret til at vide.

#14 filmz-blaze 19 år siden

Og når Bush slår sin drive og snakker politik samtidig.. Føj,, det er da for klamt... Istedet for at amerikanerne hele tiden skal pege fingre af andre fattige lande og bombe dem som det passer dem, så synes jeg at det er på tide at der også bliver vist skidt omkring usa...

#15 reaper.dk 19 år siden

Ååh nej! Ikke en 2'er :(
Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas

#16 nostromo 19 år siden


Oh yes a sequel!

And if you really, see it as a movie, in that case then, we are all living a really, really BAD episode of Star Trek where, an alien race has opened an alternate time line and tilted the powers that be to create chaos, fear and hate in the world, just to see us destroy our selves. (not that it really is how I see it, but who could have thought it would turn out THIS BAD?)

Are you suggesting we bend over and take it from behind once more, just cause Bush won another 4 years of terror?

At this point I don't give a flying monkeys left nut, who, where and when, they make a film about how they see the U.S. After all it is they who live there, and not us.

As for Mike, ask your self this question : Do you really think, had it not been for the overwhelming support from the middle class (and the rest of the world), Mike would have become THIS popular?

After all, BBC, has a great deal to do with the fact that he was even published here in Europe and eventually noticed.

Again, people like Alex Jones, who does similar work, is relatively unknown, to the European public. Yet, he depicts the US as horrific as Mike and the others.

Don't believe everything you see, use your brain and what ever time you have to figure out, JUST how bad it is in the US. And appreciate that you live in a country that still holds values and where people still have a decent set of rights...

Most people cannot differentiate between fact and fiction. Where there is fact, you can double check it time and time again... And you will learn what is true and what is false...

Face it, The United States of America is a falling empire... No wonder the UK, is sucking up to them... It is their last chance to look important in history.
Denmark is OLDER than, the US! Hungary, is 800+ years OLDER than, the US. Not to mention the other countries...

Don't ever forget, that there would be no US, no nothing from that continent had it not been for us sending those people over there...

Again, bare in mind, it is people who couldn't cut it here who left...

PS. Now that the news agency cashes in on the news and makes such a big hoo haa about the war, why the hell don't we hear about Afghanistan? And why is it ok, for 60 min to show how bad it really is for the US troops, and it cannot be tolerated in Mikes movie?

Oh and where is Bin Laden? Or at this point I am wondering where Saddam could be...

Nice that Bin Laden dropped by and said Hi, during the elections, don't you think? ;-)
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#17 nostromo 19 år siden

You know what?

Screw it... I don't care what you think... If you like to live in a make believe world, then be my guest... I could not care less...

Does this qualify for a massive Snowballing fight?


(this msg, is not directed to everyone on this page, only those who cannot see the point in the statement.)
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#18 filmz-yoshimura 19 år siden

Moore laver ikke dokumentarfilm, men satire. Hvis man ser hans film som førstnævte, vil man helt afgjort blive skuffet/oprevet, mens man ikke kan forvente andet af satire, end at det er ensidigt, maler verden sort/hvid og benytter sig af manipulation af forskellig art (hermed antyder jeg ikke, at Moore nødvendigvis fupper med sine fakta, men at hans dramatiske opbygning er ren følelsesmæssig manipulation af publikum).

Jeg er selv ret vild med Michael Moore, men man må ikke tage hans værker for mere, end de er, nemlig en satire over verdens, og særligt USAs, tilstand i dag.

Underholdende? Ja.
Sandfærdig? Måske.
Ukontroversiel? Bestemt ikke.
the buses that charged past so overflowing with passengers that from the outside they looked like they were making a rush delivery of spare limbs to some far-off war

#19 filmz-saudoo 19 år siden

Men altså..

Da DR var på gaden og for at spørge amerikanere, sagde de jo også at man ikke så/hørte på Michael Moore, for at få ændret holdning. Men nærmere at blive overbevist.. og så at der var humor med.. :)

#20 19 år siden

#9 Har den lov ikke altid været der?
#8 En amerikansk præsident kan faktisk sidde op til 10 år ;)

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