Newsweek har i en artikel besøgt optagelserne af den nye “Superman” film, hvorfra de rapporterer, og har fået to nye billeder fra filmen.

I artiklen kan man bl.a. læse om plottet i “Superman Returns”, og hvad Bryan Singer har at sige om historien. I filmen vender Manden af stål tilbage til Jorden efter fem års forsvinden. Verden er forandret siden han forlod den, og hans store kærlighed, Lois Lane, har en 4-årig søn og en forlovet. Det er uvist hvem drengens far er, og Superman får ikke nogen heltemodtagelse af Lois, der bl.a. skriver en artikel til avisen med temaet: ”Verden har ikke brug for en redningsmand. Og det har jeg heller ikke.”

Singer siger om filmen: ”På et eksternt niveau, handler filmen om hvordan en idealistisk superhelt fungerer i den moderne verden. Men i sidste ende bliver det historien om hvad der sker når en gammel kæreste kommer tilbage i dit liv, og om Superman der forsøger at finde en plads i Lois Lanes verden. Jeg forsøger at gøre det til en meget følelsesladet film. Det er klart den mest romantiske, og sjoveste, film jeg har lavet, og den bliver lidt intens mod slutningen.”

Vis kommentarer (12)

#1 filmz-trabi 18 år siden

Ikke vildt godt billede men lad dog det ligge!1

#2 nostromo 18 år siden

I just saw the old one Superman 1, last night, man I love that movie. It is so good on so many levels that I still cannot fathom why the hell they want to make another one, I is not like the old one was made back in the 50ies... Besides, with the new fag look of superman... It really turns my stomach. It would be so much nicer to look at a person who isn't a pretty boy.

Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#3 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden

#2 Ja, synes klart Chris Reeve var et meget mere look-a-like valg som Superman og så hader jeg allerede den nye røde farve på Superman dragten. Den er jo fuldstændig ude af sync med den blå. Enten går man hele vejen eller også må man da i det mindste kræve en autodidakt Photoshop bruger, som kan sætte to farver sammen.

Det er muligt filmen bliver god, men indtil videre synes jeg Singer tramper lidt rundt i Superman universet.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:

#4 filmz-scapuliz 18 år siden

Supermand er klam. Han passer slet ikke ind med nutiden dystre helte! Kan slet ikke forestille mig den film bliver god.

#5 filmz-d4||3 18 år siden

En superman film ska da ik handle om at han ska score sig noget fjas hos lois lane.. Håber ik den bliver alt for romantisk som han siger.

#6 Hive 18 år siden

Singer skulle have holdt sig til X-Men. Men nej, i stedet for at lave 1 god film har han valgt at ødelægge 2... nice. :p

#7 filmz-Tja 18 år siden

Tja jeg håber da det bedste, og med hvad jeg har hørt/set, om den kan jeg da næsten kun blive positivt overraskede.

#4 Superman kan sagtens gøres fed, prøv bare at samle nogle af de nyere tegneserier med ham op (her har han også fået en mere dyster holdning).

Men ja S'et er for lille, og det burde skiftes ud med et stort F istedet for (se #2)

#8 Lyhne 18 år siden

jeg synes at Brandon Routh virker som et godt valg til filmen - jeg kan jo ikke så godt udtale mig, uden at have set ham i "action", men jeg er absolut uenig med jer der mener at han og dragten virker fag-alike... jeg kan dog godt krumme lidt tæer angående historien, men tvivler på at det vil ha ret stor indflydelse når jeg sidder foran det store lærred og jubler! :-D

#9 nostromo 18 år siden

The entire look of superman + the story arch they told so far, is incredibly dumb. And isn't it kind of lame to use Marlon Brando from their archival footage to boost the movie? I think it is a cheap shot...

These days, we try and make super heros as human and real as possible.

We don't need another depiction of a super hero that is too pretty for camera, that is perfect even if he wasn't a super hero. We don't need a damn superficial character that is based on looks and there is no room for personality.

Superman, in ALL of the comic books that depict him, has a strong body to support his super powers. A strong face, one that you can see has wisdom ( the alex ross versions of Superman is the best version in my opinion). Alex Ross has mixed Chris Reeves and his version of Superman together. And it is perfect.

Here with a multi million dollar budget movie, with a CGI up the wazoo, and a story that can only be harmful to the original one, still lacks in so many areas.

He looks too young, he has a face, like an underwear model would have (- the body), he is made to the satisfy the women in the audience. Yet, even his superman suit looks too cheesy, fake even. It's colors are way off, the plastic superman emblem on his chest looks too small. And if anything, that by its self should have been even bigger. (ooh I feel a fan based superman on the horizon)

Ok, the correct definition of Superman in the way he SHOULD have looked :

We had such a great superman... Why this fag?

New shots from the movie : (Herr Fag)

But this guy had everything almost...

His kind expression and strong face led everyone to believe he was SUPERMAN...

I love the original ones, and to top it all off, John Williams did the score to the movie with was so dreamy and heroic that I cannot see that happening in the new movie... See from what I hear, they use John Williams's theme and it will be conducted by John Ottman.

Here is the cast so far, and what turns my stomach is seeing Marlon Brando on it. They will use the archival footage they have of him and CGI the crap out of it so it will fit into the movie... SICK!

Brandon Routh...Clark Kent/Superman (is it just me or should they not call him Kal El?)

rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Stephan Bender .... Young Clark Kent
Kate Bosworth .... Lois Lane
Marlon Brando .... Jor-El (archive footage)
Sam Huntington .... Jimmy Olsen
James Karen .... Ben Hubbard
Frank Langella .... Perry White
James Marsden .... Richard White
Mike Massa .... 777 Pilot
Ted Maynard .... News Anchor
Noel Neill .... Previously Wealthy Woman
Kal Penn .... Stanford
Parker Posey .... Kitty Koslowski
Ian Roberts .... Riley
Eva Marie Saint .... Martha Kent
Kevin Spacey .... Lex Luthor
Vincent Stone .... Henchman
Peta Wilson .... Bobbie Faye

Sorry for the long post... I just hate to see Hollywood piss on good movies just so they can make another go at a franchise...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#10 filmz-origo 18 år siden

#4 Det er jo netop det som er en del af plottet, som jeg har forstået det. Og det synes jeg er ret interessant.

Mht. dragten, er jeg enig i, at s'et er for lille. Men det er fedt, at det er i 3d.
Ignorance is blis...

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