Så er der godt nyt til folk, der synes at de 4 versioner af “Star Wars” trilogien, som de allerede har investeret i, fylder for lidt på hylden. George Lucas har enten fået et slagtilfælde, eller også har han brug for nogle ekstra penge til sit nye studie.
StarWars.com har nemlig offentliggjort at den originale uredigerede version af trilogien, som ellers skulle have været smidt ud, er på vej til de ventende fans som en dvd-udgivelse den 12. september.
Det bliver som 3 seperate dobbelt-dvd udgivelser. Hver udgivelse vil indeholde den originale biografudgave af filmen samt den nye special edition fra 2004.
De originale versioner vil dog kun have Dolby Surround 2.0 lydspor og der er ingen forlydender om noget specielt ekstramateriale eller restaurering af nogen art.
#121 Confused101 18 år siden
#122 Andcasso 18 år siden
#123 thebigzzz 18 år siden
#124 Andcasso 18 år siden
#125 BN 18 år siden
Sith-fyrster er arrogante, og det er i det lys udtalelsen skal ses. Husk på at Anakin/Vader som ung var rasende over at Obi-Wan holdt ham tilbage og at jedirådet ikke vil udnævne til "master". ... Som sithfyrste har han fået opfyldt
sine ærgerrige ambitioner, ja, sit ønske om magt og indflydelse, noget han aldrig opnåede som jedi.
#126 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden
We've confirmed something that we'd begun to suspect... and it's probably going to disappoint a lot of you. It certainly disappoints us here at The Bits. Those new DVD editions of the Star Wars films? The original theatrical versions of the films are going to be non-anamorphic (our original post on this indicated otherwise, but we have confirmed that the widescreen versions will be letterboxed only). What this likely means is that Lucasfilm has simply re-purposed the non-anamorphic transfers that were done for previous laserdisc and VHS releases of the "original" versions of the films. And with that, our enthusiasm for this DVD release has just dropped through the floor. Anamorphic-enhanced versions of the theatrical editions, we'd buy in a heartbeat. But what we're going to get instead is little better than a ported-over laserdisc. In this day and age, releasing a widescreen film without anamorphic enhancement on DVD is just unacceptable. Does Lucasfilm really think fans want those versions of the films on DVD so badly that people just won't care? Yes Virginia, they do. How many versions of these films do you suppose Lucasfilm will try to get fans to buy in high-def over the coming years? And think about it... you just know the studio has to be prepping yet another standard DVD release for next year's 30th Anniversary of the original Star Wars. Do you suppose this means that the theatrical editions won't be included in the super-über box set of all six films? Probably. Ugh.
#127 filmz-Kadann 18 år siden
#128 The Insider 18 år siden
#129 Outbound Sith 18 år siden
Fox Mulder
#130 18 år siden