På StarWars.com kan man nu se den endelige plakat til George Lucas’ endegyldige afsnit i hans rum-eventyr om familien Skywalker, og deres bedrifter som jedi-riddere og sith-fyrster.
På fredag får den længe ventede trailer til “Episode III” endvidere premiere på Hyperspace.
“Star Wars: Episode III – Sith-fyrsternes hævn” får verdensomspændende premiere 19. maj.
#1 elwood 19 år siden
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#2 filmz-mallumsk 19 år siden
#3 filmz-dr. hoax 19 år siden
#4 19 år siden
Ellers synes jeg, at Episode II-plakaten var langt bedre og mere aktuel, se blot hér
#5 filmz-Mifan 19 år siden
Jeg vil dog give #1 ret, den store ved Vaders hjelm er lidt malplaceret.
#6 filmz-hejo98ac 19 år siden
#7 19 år siden
#8 filmz-big pappa 19 år siden
#9 myggen 19 år siden
Og hvad fanden laver alle de bobler på den plakat ?
#10 nostromo 19 år siden
Not the best poster for sure in the lot of Star Wars posters...
My favorite one is the old Episode V poster with the Ton tons with Han and Leia. The grayish one...
These new artworks for the posters, are as synthetic and cold almost computer like as his past two films.
Just saw, Episodes V and VI. I have to say, they are the real star wars for me.
Now this may be dumb question, but it got me to think. Why is it that in the old movies Obi Wan says, "Yoda, The Jedi Master who instructed me". In the new ones it is Qui Gon (a character that is really out of sync in the Star Wars Universe).
Obi Wan in the new Star Wars was taught by Qui Gon and not Yoda. In the new ep III he has no time to be taught anything. There is constant war... Why make this error when everything else, has to be oooh so much better in the SE Ltd. coll. editions on DVD?
Just a thought...