De to excentriske tosser bag tegnefilmsserien “South Park” er ved at gøre sig klar til krig med sekten Scientology, der føler sig krænket af afsnittet “Trapped in the Closet”.

Tidligere har Isaac Hayes valgt at forlade serien i protest, og Tom Cruise har truet med søgsmål, hvis episoden blev genudsendt.

Nu har Cruise fundet en ny måde at lægge pres på for at forhindre afsnittet i at blive genudsendt. Han har simpelthen nægtet at reklamere for sin kommende “Mission: Impossible 3”, hvis ikke Paramount, hvis ejer Viacom også ejer “South Park” stationen Comedy Central, stopper afsnittet.

Parker og Stone er endvidere blevet truet med en retssag af Scientology, hvis ikke episoden fjernes eller censureres. Parker og Stone har dog ikke tænkt sig at give efter, og har klart udtalt, at de ikke vil censurere afsnittet og det vil blive genudsendt som planlagt.

I “Trapped in the Closet” ser man Cruises ekskone Nicole Kidman samt John Travolta forsøge at lokke Cruise til at springe ud af skabet som bøsse, efter reinkarnationen af selveste L. Ron Hubbard, der grundlagde sekten, talte ilde om Cruises talent som skuespiller.

Vis kommentarer (47)

#31 filmz-Kadann 18 år siden

#30 -

Så oplys da os, oh bedrevidende herre. :)

Afsnittet her om Xenu tyder da på rumvæsner:

Og ingen skriver at man er ekspert fordi man har set en af Hubbards bøger filmatiseret, kun at det er bras og man kan håbe på at bogen er bedre.

Men nu da vi er så intolerente, så betyder det jo ikke så voldsomt meget at putte ord i munden på os, vel? ;) - -

#32 filmz-kaotmus 18 år siden

#30: Scientologi er ikke alle steder en anerkendt religion, fx ikke i Tyskland, hvor de betragtes som et firma. Begrebet Scientology er fx et registrete varemærke.

Fra Wikipedia:
The "Hidden Truth" about the nature of the universe is taught to only the most advanced Scientologists, those who have achieved the level "clear", in a series of courses known as the Advanced Levels. The contents of these courses are held in strict confidence within Scientology. They have never been published by the Church, except for use in highly secure areas. The most advanced of all are the eight Operating Thetan levels, which require the initiate to be thoroughly prepared. The highest level, OT VIII, is only disclosed at sea, on the Scientology cruise ship Freewinds. Because Scientology is a mystery religion, the more closely guarded and esoteric teachings imparted at these higher levels may not always be entirely consistent with its entry-level teachings.

In the confidential OT levels, Hubbard describes a variety of traumas commonly experienced in past lives. He also explained how to reverse the effects of such traumas. Among these advanced teachings, one episode that is revealed to those who reach OT level III has been widely remarked upon in the press: the story of Xenu, the galactic tyrant who first kidnapped certain individuals who were deemed "excess population" and loaded these individuals into space planes for transport to the site of extermination, the planet of Teegeeack (Earth). These space planes were said to have been copies of Douglas DC-8s, except with rocket engines. He then stacked hundreds of billions of these frozen victims around Earth's volcanoes 75 million years ago before blowing them up with hydrogen bombs and brainwashing them with a "three-D, super colossal motion picture" for 36 days, telling them lies of what they are and what the universe should be like and telling them that they are 3 different things: 'Jesus, God, and The Devil.' The traumatized thetans subsequently clustered around human bodies because they watched the motion picture together, making them think they are all the same thing, in effect acting as invisible spiritual parasites known as "body thetans" that can only be removed using advanced Scientology techniques. Xenu is allegedly imprisoned in a mountain by a force field powered by an eternal battery. He is said to be still alive today.

Scientologists argue that published accounts of the Xenu story and other colorful teachings are presented out of context for the purpose of ridiculing their religion. Journalists and critics of Scientology counter that Xenu is part of a much wider Scientology belief in past lives on other planets, some of which has been public knowledge for decades. For instance, Hubbard's 1958 book Have You Lived Before This Life documents past lives described by individual Scientologists during auditing sessions. These included memories of being "deceived into a love affair with a robot decked out as a beautiful blond-haired girl", being run over by a Martian bishop driving a steamroller, being transformed into an intergalactic walrus that perished after falling out of a flying saucer, and being "a very happy being who strayed to the planet Nostra 23,064,000,000 years ago".

Scientologists argue that most members of the organization have not attained a sufficiently high level to learn about Xenu. Therefore, while knowledge of Xenu and Body Thetans is said to be crucial to the highest level church teachings, it cannot be regarded as a core belief of rank and file Scientologists. Such information is not published in commonly available materials, and as such may not be part of what the vast majority of ordinary Scientologists believe.

Critics point out that Scientology literature does include many references to extraterrestrial past lives (even to low levels on the bridge), and that internal Scientology publications are often illustrated with pictures of spaceships and oblique references to catastrophic events that happened "75 million years ago" (e.g. the Xenu incident). This material ties in to the general purpose of Scientology, which is to learn about these "whole track" incidents on the OT Levels to confront the negativity the mind still holds from these incidents, and as a result to be free of the ill effects of these "whole track" incidents. Thereby, it is believed by Scientologists that they will achieve greater freedom, happiness, and abilities in their present lives.

#33 filmz-kaotmus 18 år siden

Om Scientologys retsstand i forskellige lande (=om det er en religion):

Different countries have taken markedly different approaches to Scientology. Scientology is technically considered a religion in the United States and Australia, and thus enjoys and regularly cites the constitutional protections afforded in both nations to religious practice (First Amendment to the United States Constitution; Australian Constitution, s 116). In Canada the Church of Scientology is legal, but has the unique distinction of being criminally convicted as a corporation on two counts of breach of the public trust (for an organized conspiracy to infiltrate government offices) following a trial by jury. In the United States, the church obtained "public charity" status (IRS Code 501(c)(3)) and the associated preferential tax treatment after extended litigation. Applications for charity status in the UK and Canada were rejected in 1999. Some European governments (including Germany) do not consider the Church to be a bona fide religious organization, but instead a commercial enterprise or totalitarian cult.

Other countries, notably in Europe, have regarded Scientology as a potentially dangerous cult and have significantly restricted its activities at various times, or at least have not considered local branches of the Church of Scientology to meet the legal criteria for being considered religion-supporting organizations. In Germany, for instance, Scientology is not considered a religion by the government, but a commercial business. Fifteen of the sixteen German states, positing that Scientology had potentially anti-democratic tendencies, have to a greater or lesser degree and for varying periods subjected Scientology and Scientologists to state surveillance since the early 1970's. No criminal or civil charges have been brought as a result of this surveillance. Two German states and the political party, the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) have passed rules or regulations limiting the participation of Scientologists in politics, business and public life. In several court cases Scientology lost filed complaints against continued surveillance because the courts held the opinion that Scientology still pursues anticonstitutional activities. In Berlin surveillance ceased because the court prohibited the use of paid undercover agents, in Saarland surveillance was stopped by the court because there was/is no current danger recognizable. The United Kingdom government does not recognize Scientology as a bona fide religion. The church has been subjected to considerable pressure from the state in Russia. In Belgium, the minister of justice refused Scientology as a candidate for the status of recognized religion.

Man kan så argumentere for at det er en religion, uanset om regeringer verden over anerkender Scientology som sådan, men så ender vi let i en definition af religion, der bliver så bred at det bliver meget svært ikke at træde nogen over tæerne. Se fx dette protestbrev mod naturvidenskabelig undervisning i USA om jordens og livets oprindelse, hvor de kræver at det naturvidenskabelige argument suppleres med det religiøse, specifikt for Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster:

#34 filmz-Kadann 18 år siden

#33 -

Ha! Se, det er fanme en fed religion. - -

#35 filmz-kaotmus 18 år siden

Jeg synes det var et fedt indslag i debatten om intelligent design.

#36 filmz-fiemie 18 år siden

hvor er der et ordenligt bevis for at tom har nægtet at reklamere for mi3,kan det ikke bare være opspind fordi der efterhånden er så mange som hader ham ikke mindst efter han stod og hoppede i den sofa.jeg har set ham flere gange hos jay leno og han virker som verdens mest flinke person,hver gang han har været der er han nede hos publikum når der er reklamer det er der ikke mange andre kendte som gør... jeg håber det er sladder,men syntes det er latterligt af ham hvis det passer.

#37 Bardoboy 18 år siden

#23 HAHA! Tak for linket..! Må virkelig snart få invistreret i nogle south Park DVD'er..

#38 filmz-Bummerten 18 år siden

Her er hele afsnitet, hvis man vil se det:

Det er satme sjovt. Elsker de nye afsnit af South Park pga. alle forældrene er blevet ekstra ekstra dumme.
-My name isn't Adam We!
-Or is it? What number did you dial?
-Don't ever call me again! - I showed him

#39 filmz-Bummerten 18 år siden

Nå det virkede ikke, men de ligger her
-My name isn't Adam We!
-Or is it? What number did you dial?
-Don't ever call me again! - I showed him

#40 filmz-Bummerten 18 år siden

Det andet link virker hvis i kopier det. Undskyld 3 posts i træk.
-My name isn't Adam We!
-Or is it? What number did you dial?
-Don't ever call me again! - I showed him

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