Bille August er i dette jubilæumsår for Hans Christian Andersen i fuld gang med sin egen film om manden.
Han sidder i disse dage i sit hjem i London og skriver historien, der forventes at få titlen “Skyggen”, navnegivet efter et af H.C. Andersens mere dystre eventyr.
Filmen vil handle om personen H.C. Andersen med vil også tage fat i rygterne om bl.a hans påståede homo/biseksualitet.
Planerne er at Geoffrey Rush skal spille H.C. Andersen, og at Anthony Hopkins og Julianne Moore også skal optræde blandt castet.
#11 nostromo 19 år siden
Not Bille! While I to don't understand the hype around H.C.A. I still admire his work and it was well received throughout the world. Very commendable but still... Just how interesting was his life?
"Did he have a good world when he died? Enough to base a movie on?"
- Jim Morrison
#12 Jay El 19 år siden
Jeg kan ikke se at der skulle være nogen forskel på de to aspekter - selv om der selvfølgelig er flere tysktalende end dansktalende i verden.
#13 filmz-TomViolence 19 år siden
#14 Patriarch 19 år siden
#15 lagoni 19 år siden
#16 nostromo 19 år siden
And yes, I think it should be in Danish, better yet, in Danish with Hollywood actors speaking it... uh perhaps not.
Anyway, Bille should start to make something new for once... Now that he is in Hollywood! People will see it in Danish, at least stupid Americans, can then hear how Danish is spoken and not think that everyone in Scandinavia speaks Swedish. And Danes do NOT have polar bears in chains during winter, and NO they do not have Viking Reservations like quite a few Americans think...
This would be a great time to educate people around the world on how Denmark was and who H.C.A. was. Not to mention what kind of influence it he had on Denmark and eventually the world.
But alas Bille came too late, and he REALLY has to be careful on how he tells the story... This is a big deal... Besides I really don't like Bille... Who should make it then? Anyone but Bille...
Hey it was just a though, don't kill me... ;-)
#17 filmz-Kadann 19 år siden
#18 coolflash 19 år siden
Forslag: Hr. Von Trier kunne da ligge en spændene vinkel på HC? ,-)
#19 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden
#16 De mest stupide accents jeg har set til dato må vist være Bob Hoskins snakke cockney som Nikita Khrushev i Enemy at the Gates og Brian Cox som græker i Troy.
#20 nostromo 19 år siden
Man, you sure said it! On both counts!
And yes, it is high time for a Zappa movie!!!
Have a great weekend all. My birthday is coming up next week and I am off to visit Denmark to spend some quality time with my girlfriend.
Is the weather any good over yonder? And can you show me a place where I can find a place online where I can see the weather in DK?