Harley Quinn har droppet Jokeren i “Birds of Prey”.
I “Suicide Squad” fra 2016 var Jokeren og Harley Quinn et par – spillet af Jared Leto og Margot Robbie. Nu er forholdet forbi.
Således gentager Margot Robbie DC-rollen som Harley Quinn i den kommende “Birds of Prey”, der bliver uden Jared Leto og Jokeren.
Et “Birds of Prey”-læk afslører, at Harley Quinn nu har overstreget en del af sin tatovering, hvor der står ‘Harley + Puddin‘ – sidstnævnte var hendes kælenavn til The Joker i “Suicide Squad”.
Dermed er Harley fri i “Birds of Prey”, hvilket undertitlen – “And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn” – også indikerer.
Den nye oplysning kan hænge sammen med et kommende DC-reboot af “Suicide Squad”, som en tidligere Marvel-instruktør står i spidsen for – læs om det her.
“Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)” får premiere d. 7. februar i 2020.
Puddin ❌ pic.twitter.com/chVznXCyky
— Ryan_Platts (@RyanPlatts) February 2, 2019
#1 IBA 6 år siden
#2 Star Trek fever 6 år siden
All lives matter.
Facts dont care about feelings
#CancelDisneyPlus, #JusticeforGina
"Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers, but by their neighbours - even by children. I condemns all that Nazis did and stood for, but because history is edited, most people today don't realize, that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply because they were Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views - left or right?"