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I dag, d. 9. april, sletter CPH PIX for en stund sit CPH og bliver til hele Danmarks PIX. I 12 biografer spredt over hele landet vises Bong Joon-hos amerikanske sci-fi-brag, der minder om en blanding imellem “The Matrix” og “Brazil”.

Menneskehedens sidste medlemmer kører rundt i et evighedstog, hvor overklassen holder fest fremme i toget, alt imens de fattige må nøjes med resterne nede bagerst i toget. Det finder de sig ikke i. De vil frem forrest i toget. Revolution!

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Vis kommentarer (17)

#11 rammy 10 år siden

Super fed film og det overaskede mig faktisk slet ikke da jeg så hvem der sad i instruktørstolen. Der er fuld knald på alle kedler!
Grindhouse-geeks, horror-buffs, gore-hounds & exploitation-aficionados! Velkommen til www.sorensencinema.blogspot.com

#12 the_paki_don 10 år siden

Hold nu helt skanking kæft, hvor var Snowpiercer en unik beskrivelse af livet og de "båse" vi er sat fast i eller ønskes holdt fast i og også om menneskets søgen mod Gud for at få svar.

Der er så mange gode ting at sige om denne film, at det føles helt og aldeles forkert, at den ikke får almindelig dansk biograf distribution.

Jeg synes, at filmen sagtens kunne reklameres som en intelligent sommer blockbuster i samme ånd, som Inception var, men det synes ikke som om, at modet er der til at gøre det.

Fantastiske spillere boltrer sig med en skarp historie med flere overraskelser og langt fra en historie, der bare kører til planlagte stationer og så en instruktør med et overblik til den helt store guldmedalje.

Og så er den så fræk, at den udsætter dig for plotpunkter lige i face... på et sprog, du nok ikke forstår! :D

Exposition done with attitude! :)

Jeg har set mange gode film her til festivalen og tænkte, at "The Raid 2" ville være min absolutte favorit, men "Snowpiercer" gør godt nok sit for at få mig til at tvivle!

Virkelig virkelig god film. Tak for det!

#13 Michael Andersen 10 år siden

Ja, den er fed. Det er sådan en slags actionfilm, hvor man sagtens bare kan nyde den for det, men der er også noget til hovedet, hvis man vil bruge det :)

Fedt tiltag at vise den simultant rundt om i landet. Det vil jeg gerne se mere af med de her lidt anderledes film, som ikke har et stort studio i ryggen og vil have svært ved at sælge billetter på normal vis.

Er der nogle der kan anbefale tegneserien, som den er baseret på?
Smile, you son of a bitch!

#14 Highland Park 10 år siden

Michael Andersen (13) skrev:
Det vil jeg gerne se mere af med de her lidt anderledes film, som ikke har et stort studio i ryggen...
Det har den nu faktisk i form af The Weinstein Company, men Harvey kunne som sædvanligt ikke dy sig for at falde en udenlandsk instruktør i ryggen:
http://www.deadline.com/2014/02/bong-joon-ho-and-harvey-weinstein-reach-truce-on-snowpiercer/ skrev:
Weinstein bought U.S. rights on the movie back in 2012 AFM on the basis of script and some sample footage. A wide release was in the contract, until the director turned in a cut of just beyond two and one-half hours. The truce is basically that the director keeps the length of his action film but instead of a wide release, it will be a platform release with a roll out.

http://twitchfilm.com/2013/11/exclusive-interview-bong-joon-ho-on-the-weinsteins-tarantino-and-snowpiercer.html skrev:
Twitch - As you know we've been writing a lot about SNOWPIERCER already on Twitch, and in particular one aspect that's quite possibly not your favourite subject. But I'd like to ask you about TWC and what's going on regarding recutting the film.

Bong Joon-ho - It's still going on. Some aspects are a little bit exaggerated. Some people misunderstood that there already exists a North American version with 20 minutes cut out. But that kind of version doesn't exist. Officially the negotiation is still going on, and I'm trying my best to keep my own version and also the CJ people (the Korean investors/distributors) are trying to confirm the release date, the marketing plan and many other things they are still negotiating and the funny thing is once there did exist a 20-minute cut-out version, a Weinstein version of Snowpiercer, they had a screening of that version in New Jersey in July. Then CJ did another test screening of my original version in LA with a normal American audience, and with my version the response was much higher than the scores from the Weinstein version.

So there was already a TWC version back in July?

Yes, for test screenings. So we already have one fixed American version with 20 minutes cut out but that's not the final version, we are still going through the process.

And how involved are you in that process?

In the business aspect, everything will happen between these two companies (CJ and TWC). In the case of editing, I was involved, I visited the Weinstein company, they are really nice people and we had a lot of conversations about the tastes of North American audiences, and about which parts we can reduce a little bit. Actually Harvey Weinstein wants to speed up the movie. I'm not that kind of young, innocent film school student who is saying "Nobody can touch my movie!!" I'm not like that, I can negotiate, but I really hope to protect and keep my vision. The unique tone and mood of the movie and I don't want to destroy the details of the characters. So it's still going on.

So in your view, what is the Weinsteins' biggest concern with the film right now?

They want a more speedy tempo.

What about the more shocking elements of the story? Because the film goes into some pretty dark territory.

Oh they don't care about that. They think of Snowpiercer as an R-rated movie, so the violence and those kinds of matters are not a big issue. But it's all a matter of duration, speed and tempo.

And you're quite open to that kind of discussion...?

[Laughs] Not that wide open, but yeah, maybe if I change...for them, they are always like that.

Oh yes, they have a history of doing it.

For them, maybe I look very strange, but for me this is the very first time I've experienced this kind of situation. My previous four movies were all released in my director's cut, nobody interfered. For me, this is my first experience.
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#15 Highland Park 10 år siden

* Godt nok har The Weinstein Company ikke en dansk afdeling, men jeg er overbevist om, at den begrænsede distribution i USA kan påvirke salget internationalt.
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#16 Michael Andersen 10 år siden

Jeg vil ikke kalde The Weinstein Company for en af de store filmstudier, men hvis den f.eks. som "The Matrix" og "Inception" havde haft Warner Bros. bag sig, ville dens situation nok have været bedre :)

Smile, you son of a bitch!

#17 Highland Park 10 år siden

Nej det kan ikke måle sig med giganterne, men der er nu heller ikke ligefrem tale om et lille independent-selskab. :)
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

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