Der er mange der venter med længsel på de to kommende “Matrix”-film, “Reloaded” og “Revolutions”. Men fortvivl ikke, for i mellem tiden kan du fordrive tiden med “The Animatrix”.
What is The Animatrix? – Animatrix er et projekt startet af brødrene Wachowski. Det er ni animerede kortfilm, der alle udspiller sig i “Matrix”-universet, tegnet af diverse kunstnere fra Japan, Korea og USA – alle specielt udvalgte af Wachowski-brødrene. De har så arbejdet sammen om at fortælle mere om det univers filmene udspiller sig i. Det er ret gode animationer, i bedste animé-stil, og filmene skulle være ret informative.
Den første film – “Second Renaisscance Part 1” er for nyligt kommet online, og kan nu ses på whatisthematrix-sitet. Klik på overskriften for at se filmen.
#1 filmz-vassago 22 år siden
#2 DarkLight 22 år siden
Det er en _del_ af kort film #1.
Jeg ved ihvertfald hvem der skal have DVD'en når den kommer ud.. !
#3 filmz-vassago 22 år siden
#4 Cherrn 22 år siden
Og nej, denne film er ikke en _del_ af #1. Den *er* #1... det er bare to parter.
#5 azathoth 22 år siden
If you only knew the power of The Dark Side!
#6 Lowkey 22 år siden
The Digital Bits skriver faktisk om DVD udgivelsen idag.
Det hele kan læses her
Eller her for de dovne:
"Then, on June 3rd, Warner Bros will release The Animatrix (SRP $24.98). The DVD includes 9 short films directed by some of the most talented artists working in Anime and CG animation today, written and conceived by the Wachowski Brothers and set in the same universe as The Matrix feature films. The shorts take place in parallel to the stories depicted in the feature films, and tie into them in many ways. One of the shorts, the 9-minute The Final Flight of the Osiris (directed by Andy Jones, animation by Square USA, Inc), is actually a prelude to The Matrix Reloaded. You'll have the chance to see it in theaters on March 21st, attached to Warner's Dreamcatcher. We were able to screen it last night, at a special preview event at the studio for the Enter the Matrix video game. It's a pretty incredible piece of photo-realistic CG animation - think Final Fantasy and you're in the right ballpark (Square produced that film as well).
In addition to The Final Flight of the Osiris, you'll get The Second Renaissance: Parts 1 and 2 (directed by Mahiro Maeda (of Blue Submarine No. 6 fame), animation by Studio4°C, Tokyo), Kid's Story (directed by Shinichiro Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop), animation by Studio4°C), Program (directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri (Vampire Hunter D and Ninja Scroll), animation by Madhouse Studios, Tokyo), World Record (directed by Takeshi Koike (lead animator on Wicked City), animation by Madhouse Studios), Beyond (directed by Koji Morimoto (animation supervisor on Akira), animation by Studio4°C), Detective Story (directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, animation by Studio4°C) and Matriculated (directed by Peter Chung (creator of MTV's Aeon Flux), animation by DNA, Seoul).
The Animatrix will also include Scrolls to Screen: The History and Culture of Anime, 7 behind-the-scenes featurettes, audio commentaries for The Second Renaissance: Parts 1 and 2, Program and World Record (all in the original Japanese audio with English subtitles), and a look at the making of the Enter the Matrix game, featuring interviews with Jada Pinkett and Carrie-Anne Moss. Audio will be English & Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1. At least some of the shorts (if not all) are anamorphic widescreen. Get all that? Whew!"
#7 filmz--Zion- 22 år siden
#8 Lowkey 22 år siden
Jeg er ikke sikker på at de allesammen kommer som gratis downloads.
#9 Cherrn 22 år siden
#10 filmz-Ghidora 22 år siden