Det er de færreste der behøver at blive informeret om, at det allerede er i morgen, at den sidste del i “Matrix”-trilogien har simultan verdenspremiere.

Mens man venter kan man dog lige kigge forbi det schweiziske online-filmmagasin og se en stribe nye billeder fra “The Matrix Revolutions”.

Klik på overskriften for at se billedgalleriet.

Vis kommentarer (16)

#1 Æsop9000 20 år siden

Det ser sejt nok ud, men det er tralst at Ludwig Holgersen alligevel ikke fik en rolle i filmen
I teorien er der ingen forskel på teori og praksis. I praksis er der

#2 filmz-Kadann 20 år siden

Jo, billederne ser helt ok ud, men de tidlige anmeldelser og kommentarer lover ikke godt:

Såå.. tja, jeg må erkende at jeg ikke har de store forventninger. - -

#3 Kram 20 år siden

Man kan da heller ikke have de store forventinger efter 2eren. Ikke destro mindre skal jeg ind og se den i morgen. :) Trailerne ser okey ud, så længe der er en masse død og ødelæggelse (hint: ACTION!) - så er det lige mig.

Men ser nu personligt mere frem til LotR:RotK.
If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?

#4 Patriarch 20 år siden

Harry Knowles er helt oppe at køre... ved ikke om det er godt eller dårligt :D
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

#5 skittlez 20 år siden

#4 Det plejer, IMO, at være godt!

#6 filmz-Wacker 20 år siden

23 timer og 38 mins til jeg skal i biografen
Don't you know who I am? I'm Juggernaut, bitch!!

#7 filmz-cko 20 år siden

uuuha, i morgen går det løs! Glæder mig sgu!!!!
"If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't"

#8 filmz-Milo_DK 20 år siden


Ok, var nødt til lige at oprette en bruger herinde da jeg så de anmeldelser af The Matrix 3...

Her er en som jeg selv lige har læst... Ved dog ikke hvor det er fra, men det lyder godt... :o)

Thanks to a friend within the large corporate behemoth known as
TimeWarner, I was able to a screening of "Matrix Revolutions" last
night in New York City.

So that you know where I stand in terms of my opinions on the first
two films in the trilogy, let me say that I really liked the original
film which seemed fresh and original when it first arrived on the
scene. "Matrix Reloaded," while entertaining, seemed bloated and
over-hyped and left me feeling sort of blasé about sitting through a
third chapter.

If "The Matrix" was the brain of the series and "Matrix Reloaded" the
fat that should have (in hindsight) been trimmed from the trilogy,
then "Matrix Revolutions" is pure lean and mean muscle that serves up
an astounding finale. It's a sci-fi lover's wet dream.

This movie delivers on the promise of the original film in a way
"Matrix Reloaded" didn't. The Wachowskis have thrown everything they
have at the screen and, wouldn't you know, it works. The film has
enormous action sequences chock-full of "Holy Shit!" moments that
make the freeway chase in the second film seem tiny and insignificant
in comparison, yet even with these bigger set pieces the movie
manages (rather surprisingly) to elevate the human drama in a way
most FX-driven movies seem unable to do.

There's a real sense that something important is at stake here and
the battle between good and evil/man and machine reaches an epic
scale that other genre filmmakers will be hard-pressed to top - some
of the imagery the artists involved have conjured up is truly
astounding. But it's not just about state-of-the-art effects.
Characters are forever changed. Lives are lost, including that of a
major player. Humanity is on the verge of extinction. The film wears
its bloody heart on its sleeve, making this the most human "Matrix"
of them all.

The film jumps right into its story without a recap of the previous
chapter. We're right where we were when we left off at the end of
"Reloaded" and the Wachowski brothers assume you're up to speed on
the story details. Right away things are noticeably better than
"Reloaded." The pacing is better than in the last film. The
performances are less stiff than before and the story more engaging.
The transition to a new actress in the role of the Oracle is seamless
and she's terrific. Jada Pinkett Smith gets a chance to shine with a
bigger, more important role than last time. The music roars in easily
the best score of the three films. The battle in Zion is incredible
and complex and full of human struggle. An epic fight in the skies
during the finale plays like the ultimate "Superman" movie, backed by
full orchestra and choir.

Is it big? Is it over-the-top? Fuck, yeah! What else do you
expect? It earns its place among other visionary sci-fi films of
recent decades and you can expect big boxoffice and huge DVD sales to

Yeah, some of the dialogue is grandiose and borderline cheesy. But
the pretentious atmosphere that nearly sunk "Reloaded" for me is gone
and the tone is more in sync with that of the original.

A side note: film snobs will predictably turn up their noses and
complain that they haven't been served a plate of delicate character
moments we all enjoy in other smaller, character-driven films (I say
this knowing a few in attendance felt the action overwhelmed the
characters). I would disagree and also say they're missing the point.
This is a postmodern take on the classic struggle between good and
evil told with kick-ass comic book artistry and a style uniquely its
own. It exists in and of itself and, if you accept the rules and
conventions the filmmakers have laid out within the universe they've
created, you will be rewarded. It doesn't hurt if you go into it expe
cting to see a big-budget commercial action film.

How does it end? Obviously I won't tell [MINISPOILER FJERNET] But
overall this is a far better film than the chapter that preceded it
and it delivers a rousing finale to a pretty amazing trilogy. Can't
wait to see it again.

#9 20 år siden

Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas

#10 filmz-Wacker 20 år siden

Don't you know who I am? I'm Juggernaut, bitch!!

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