Der introduceres også en lang række nye i stramme dragter. Nogle begynder som skurke – med østeuropæisk dialekt – indtil de naturligvis indser, at USA er de gode, imens andre fra periferien af Marvel-kataloget kommer for sent til det store slag. Hvor blev de af, hvad ventede de på? Det giver ingen mening, og jeg er helt ligeglad, så længe dræberrobotterne taber til sidst.

Læs hele anmeldelsen her


#31 [ikke godkendt bruger] 9 år siden

[Denne bruger afventer at blive godkendt til at deltage i diskussionen.]
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning..."

#32 SublimeKen 9 år siden

Jeg skrev et engelsk review på en anden side. I stedet for at sidde og oversætte den, copy paster jeg den bare. Hvis folk ikke kan læse engelsk må de lige så til, så vil jeg gøre mit bedste for at oversætte den på et senere tidspunkt.

"The thing i felt was this. This movie is actually not that good, messy and weirdly paced, but it somehow feels acceptable as well. One thing though, it kinda ruined my hype for the upcoming team based marvel movies.

The bad

I wouldn't say the humor was cringeworthy (There were a couple of jokes that really fell to the ground though) more that, they seemed to either try humor or at least one-liners as a means of dialogue all the time, and it's very hard to get engaged in. It was overkill and you just get so used to it. But i can't make up my mind whether it was the humor that ruined some scenes, or if it was the weird pacing. Personally, i really liked the running gag there was with Rhodey.

Whedon doesn't actually work so well for me when im high and the thing that stood out not working the most was Ultron. I loved his weird persona the first time around, but this time around i just cringed everytime he came on screen. He is a very hit and miss villian in this. He gets introduced very well actually, i found him intruiging and a little menacing when we're introduced to him, but then he gets another form, and he becomes too human. The CGI is good, it's just weird to watch him acting like this human with emotions and facial expressions, in contrast to his robotic CGI. They really don't blend well when you're high. Then there's Ultron humor. I don't know if it were actually attempts at humor or to establish his character, but none the less, it didn't work either way. In his final form, he is slightly less human and becomes a little more menacing in his body language again, but slightly less in his actions and strength as well.

The accents were weird, but the thing that worried me the most, was that few of their decisions made sense. You need somekind of background story, and the twins character arc feels too rushed.

The action and pacing
Some action scenes just felt weirdly paced, and despite there being a bunch of fan pleasing moments, they gave me nothing, because it actually became too much. There were a few actions scenes that really worked though, but the majority of them felt badly paced and messy, so i couldn't actually remember them properly, despite there being a fan pleasing moment, after fan pleasing moment in them. I guess it was just too much, it was hard to follow. I hate this comparison, but it was actually kind of like the action in Transformers a lot of the time.

The team
I always wished for the Avengers to act like a team, without too much bickering. They finally did and i didn't like it. They joked around with each other, but it was the kind of joking around you see when you're the new guy in a group of people with already established friendships. You don't feel you get why some jokes are funny and stuff, but to the people making them, they clearly are, and you can see it confirms the rapport between the characters, but you really miss a moment where that rapport was actually established.

The Good

Loved him, although his very human face felt werid on what was suppose to be an android.

Some action scenes
Some action scenes were done really well though. The opening was awesome, the Hulk Vs. Hulkbuster and some scenes in the final fight. Those are the ones i remember.

Some humor
There were some humor that really worked for me, but most of the time it was just kinda there.

Despite this seeming to be a negative review, i still give it 7/10. I really enjoyed it the first time and Ultron's weird persona. I need to watch it a second time without being high.

My ranking of the MCU movies now.

1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 10/10
2. The Avengers - 9/10
3. Guardians of the Galaxy - 9/10
4. Iron Man - 9/10
5. Thor - 8/10
6. Captain America: the First Avenger - 8/10
7. Avengers: Age of Ultron - 7/10
8. Iron Man 3 - 7/10
9. Thor: The Dark World - 6/10
10. The Incredible Hulk - 5/10
11. Iron Man 2 - 5/10 "

#33 Kviesgaard 9 år siden


Fin anmeldelse og god begrundelse af, hvorfor visse elementer ikke virkede, mens andre gjorde.
Den Jyske Marvel-fan. Oh Yeah

#34 cain 9 år siden

Tyler Durden (31) skrev:


Synes stadig han er dårlig.

#35 Geekalot 9 år siden

Inde og se den idag, helt ok film, dog ikke helt så god som den første Avengers, men havde jeg heller ikke regnet med. Kan dog ikke se hvad folk ikke forstår ved Age of ultron. Filmens højdepunkt fandt jeg dog Vision :).

#36 Captain Marvel77 9 år siden

Det jeg kan læse mig til via imdb , er at den har fået blandet modtagelse her i Europa og i resten af verden, og jeg tror det vil være det samme i usa, når den får premiere derover den 1. maj :-)
'Men jeg tror nu også det er svært at lave forsættelse , generelt, fordi nogle forventer det ene og andre det andet , men god film, for mig i hvert fald :-)

#37 Hive 9 år siden

I den første film var alt forklaret; i denne film er der mange løse ender. Det gør en stor forskel.

For mit vedkommende blev Ultrons motiver ikke tilstrækkeligt forklaret - ligesom der var flere subplots of løse ender fra andre phase 2 film i MCU som ikke blev redegjort ordentligt for.

#38 patrickjane 9 år siden

Håber at den forlængede version på 3.5 time er med når den udkommer på BD. Er sikker på at det er en mere helstøbt film, og at mange af de uforklarede "plothuller" bliver rundet af der. Virker som om at der er blevet klippet for meget for at få den ned i biolængde som man siger. Det er set før, blandt andet med Kingdom Of Heaven som i Director´s cut udgaven er helt sublim i forhold til bioversionen. Samme gør sig gældende med Gladiator som også blev bedre i Director´s Cut udgaven. Så man kan jo håbe:o)

#39 Geekalot 9 år siden

#20 ser du SHIELD ? :)

#40 Kviesgaard 9 år siden



Er det da en forudsætning for, at kunne se Avengers: Age of Ultron?
Den Jyske Marvel-fan. Oh Yeah

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