Spændingen håndteres med sikker hånd, og slutningen er ikke nem at gennemskue. På den tekniske side bør både fotograferingen, samt Mychael Dannas musik honoreres for deres bidrag til det stemningsforstærkende islæt.
“Fracture” er måske ikke en film, man vil huske om mange år, men Hoblit beviser endnu engang, at han både er en fornem personinstruktør, samt forstår at flette en thriller sammen, der bevarer spændingen til det sidste.
#21 HonoDelLoce 15 år siden
MHT. til Hopkins' figur, hans mangel på følelser og derfor manglende grundlag for jalousi, så er jeg slet slet ikke i tvivl om, at han HAR følelser.. Især i starten af filmen, lige da han begår mordet, stråler jalousien langt ud af hans øjne.. Men begrundet jalousi kan s'gu gøre kold, og det er enhver, der har prøvet det på egen krop slet slet ikke i tvivl om :)
#22 BN 15 år siden
Jeg fandt dette interview med Anthony Hopkins på http://www.fandango.com/commentator_hopkinsonfract... Her er et uddrag derfra:
Q: Did you approach your character, Ted Crawford, from the point of view that he was a criminal mastermind?
Hopkins: No. He’s a little weird to shoot his wife. She’s having an affair, he could have divorced her. But to kill her is a bit… strange. I think he does it as a peculiar mental exercise to see if he can perform the perfect crime. And I suppose there are people around who’ve done things like that; a case in point was Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment, the motiveless murder. I think there’s something Jean-Paul Sartre or Albert Camus about it, as they wrote about people who do things for no reason. Or Shakespeare’s Iago, in Othello, who just malignantly destroys people’s lives - and at the end it’s all because “I can, and I choose to!” I think Crawford is made of the same material. He’s very smart, but it’s the smartness and intelligence of someone who is really quite disturbed.
Q: So it isn’t a broken heart then that motivates Crawford?
Hopkins: No, I think it’s based on pride and rage that his wife could be false to him. It’s like Othello, saying “false to me!?” That’s his flaw. And I think with Crawford, his weakness is his pride, his narcissism, his arrogance.