Det er lykkes Justin Lin at gøre noget nyt med “Star Trek”. I forhold til J.J. Abrams. For i virkeligheden er “Beyond” bare en tilbagevenden til den oprindelige ånd, hvor der blev trekket rundt blandt planeter og stjerner. Det er ud at se med Kirk og Spock på ryggen af gamle motorcykler til lyden af Beastie Boys. Og ikke mindst en morale om, at rigtige venner vinder til sidst.
#1 Star Trek fever 8 år siden
The next generation: hvid mandlig kaptajn
Deep space nine: sort mandlig kaptajn
Voyager: hvid kvindelig kaptajn
Enterprise: Hvid mandlig kaptajn
Der er rig mulighed for at få stillet sine politisk korrekte instinkter igennem hele franchicen.
Der mangler selvfølgelig lidt. Men mon ikke de får gjort noget ved det, så man til sidst ikke kan se forskel på Star Trek og cirkus Arena.
Om filmen, så er den da meget god. Men Justin Lin er bare ikke manden. De mange hjernedøde Fast and furious film skinner igennem
All lives matter.
Facts dont care about feelings
#CancelDisneyPlus, #JusticeforGina
"Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers, but by their neighbours - even by children. I condemns all that Nazis did and stood for, but because history is edited, most people today don't realize, that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply because they were Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views - left or right?"
#2 Geekalot 8 år siden
Se Insider har også givet den okay karakter, Morten giver den også en okay karakter. Men tænker jeg bare :) Det her er action chi-fi, ikke Star Trek. Skal da have den at se, tror bare ikke det bliver i biffen. Min til tro til de nye Star Trek film er simpelthen helt i bund.
#3 Star Trek fever 8 år siden
Som action film er den god. Som Star Trek er den noget mak-værk
All lives matter.
Facts dont care about feelings
#CancelDisneyPlus, #JusticeforGina
"Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers, but by their neighbours - even by children. I condemns all that Nazis did and stood for, but because history is edited, most people today don't realize, that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply because they were Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views - left or right?"
#4 Quadlegg 8 år siden
#5 Star Trek fever 8 år siden
All lives matter.
Facts dont care about feelings
#CancelDisneyPlus, #JusticeforGina
"Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers, but by their neighbours - even by children. I condemns all that Nazis did and stood for, but because history is edited, most people today don't realize, that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply because they were Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views - left or right?"
#6 Quadlegg 8 år siden
#7 Stetso-G 8 år siden
Jeg synes, de seneste film - fejlfyldte som de end er - er bedre end de seneste mange film i serien.
#8 Geekalot 8 år siden
#9 Star Trek fever 8 år siden
Enig. De nye har INTET med Star Trek at gøre.... Desværre
All lives matter.
Facts dont care about feelings
#CancelDisneyPlus, #JusticeforGina
"Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers, but by their neighbours - even by children. I condemns all that Nazis did and stood for, but because history is edited, most people today don't realize, that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply because they were Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views - left or right?"
#10 Stetso-G 8 år siden
Det er så præcis det, jeg mente. Rodenberry havde gode idéer, men han var ikke nødvendigvis særlig god til film.
De seneste film er noget mere seværdige end de gamle i serien. Og med noget bedre skuespil.