John Williams34%
Går ikke op i filmmusik14%
Danny Elfman12%
Hans Zimmer12%
Ennio Morricone10%
Howard Shore10%
Anden komponist7%
Eric Serra1%
Stemmer i alt: 1478
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Skriv ny kommentar:

#81 dfms 19 år siden
#82 filt 19 år siden
#83 Yoda 19 år siden
Hvad med "Lethal Weapon" - det da super, Kadann!
#84 filmz-Kadann 19 år siden
Det er ok, men ikke noget jeg kunne finde på at købe på cd. :)
#85 David Munch 19 år siden
Nu vi er ved temaet - Nogen som kan anbefale nogle soundtracks som er stemningsfulde, og uden de vilde vokaler? Specielt i retninng af LOTR og Harry Potter soundtracksne, dem synes jeg er helt fænomonale. Shakespeare In Love var også fantastisk!
#86 mr gaijin 19 år siden
Preisner for satan! Hvordan kunne jeg glemme ham. Jeg burde have stemt "anden komponist". Den mand er nok en af de folk, der har bevæget mig mest igennem filmmusik. Også hans requiem for Kieslowski er helt utrolig smukt.
#87 filmz-michaell 19 år siden
#88 achilles 19 år siden
mener at james horner mangler, hans soundtrack til braveheart er bare fedt...
#89 nostromo 19 år siden
I guess it isn't your fault, that you are just regurgitating your old crap because you like to listen to your self.
While some of what you write is true, your insult is just too childish. Sorry I meant, girlish, like a 14 year old girl who thinks snappy comebacks will win her the trophy of the day.
So you think using exclamation marks in a post is a sign of being a teenager? Well pointing out small and insignificant points such as that is really being mature huh?
Give me a break...
Have you ever attended Goldsmiths concerts? Or Williams for that matter? Do you know how they work? Do you know, I mean really know what the difference between these two are? Cause in your post, you are really reaching... Shows how little you know about music... It is the subtleties in both of these composers work, that tells their uniqueness from each other. I bet, you missed them all...
You just feel tall and mighty here cause you can rant on and on about nothing. Pointing out your weakness to everyone... Yes, you cannot handle when people voice their opinions, it is like you HAVE to be right. It is frustrating to have people like you here...
You don't know the first thing about film music or composers for that mater. You are just a wannabe...
Ahhh, that felt good, since you took your first strike at me, it is now my turn. I have no idea why I offended you with my opinion, but I guess you are that touchy. But you lashed out at me first pal, and so it wasn't me who gave you that condescending feedback. I didn't even know who the hell made this poll, but I am guessing it is you and if it isn't then you really need to get a life.
#90 Michael Andersen 19 år siden
#85 Udover de sædvanlige travere som "Braveheart" og "The Last of the Mohicans", kan du prøve "Far and Away", som desværre er en af John Williams lettere oversete scores, Morricones "The Mission", Horners "Williow", Goldsmiths "First Knight" og "Mists of Avalon" af Lee Holdridge.