"De utrolige"23%
"Find Nemo"20%
"Toy Story"17%
"Monsters, inc."10%
"Toy Story 2"4%
Synes bedre om deres kortfilm3%
Pixar er da kun for børn3%
Stemmer i alt: 1946
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#51 mr gaijin 17 år siden
Car Lover Paul Newman To Become Voice of Car in Pixar Flick
28 January 2004 (StudioBriefing)
Paul Newman, whose name appears in the Guinness Book of World Records as as the oldest driver (70) to win a professionally sanctioned race (24 hours of Daytona, 1995), has been signed by Pixar to become the voice of a car in the animation company's upcoming feature Cars, the studio said Tuesday. To promote the role, it said, Newman, who is now 79, will drive a Disney/Pixar-sponsored car on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 at the Rolex 24 at Daytona, in an attempt to break his prveious record. In a statement, Pixar director John Lasseter remarked: "Paul Newman is an acting and racing legend. He is one of the greatest actors of all time, and his love and close association with automobiles makes him the perfect choice for our film. I can't wait to see him beat his own record at Daytona and he'll have a lot fans here at Pixar cheering him on."
#52 BN 17 år siden
Okay. Ja, for ellers var det da et pudsigt sammentræf, hehe.
#53 Michael Andersen 17 år siden
#54 BN 17 år siden
Nørj, hvordan gør du dét? :-D
Dér berører du iøvrigt en interessant pointe: Hvordan kan det være, at alverdens fupmagere ...øh, jeg mener: spåmænd/kvinder, synske og sandsigere ikke kan forudsige noget så simpelt som de rigtige lotto-tal eller de 13 rigtige tipstegn?
Ham med rubrikken "John ser alt" i et af ugebladene burde forlængst være blevet tips- eller lotto-millionær. ;-)