Hard Candy Los Cronocrímenes Moon Irréversible Haute Tension Deadgirl Dead Man's Shoes Frailty Isolation Ravenous El Orfanato El Espinazo Del Diablo Powder Låt Den Rette Komma In One Hour Photo Gone Baby Gone Donnie Darko Shaun Of The Dead 12 Monkeys Mørke
Bleu blanc rouge A Londoni férfi O'Horton American Splendor Where the Wild Things are Låt den rätte komma in Life Aquatic Das Weisse Band Lost in Translation Requiem for a Dream Gerry Elephant Mulholland Drive There Will be Blood Pulp Fiction Big Lebowsky, the This is England The Squid and the Whale
As Good As It Gets Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Man on the Moon A Beautiful Mind Miller's Crossing Unforgiven American Beauty Fargo Scent of a Woman Tombstone Dumb & Dumber There Will Be Blood Big Fish 25th Hour Ali Heat Squid and the Whale, The Goodfellas Truman Show, The Abre los ojos
Godt at se Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas på en masse lister. Men hvorfor glemmer folk Dumb & Dumber? :)
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the ring, The Se7en American History X Fight Club Memento Forrest Gump District 9 Bourne Ultimatum, the Matrix, the Lost in Translation Shawshank Redemption, The Prestige, the Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind Reservoir Dogs El Laberinto del fauno Hurt Locker, the Usual Suspekt, the Pulp Fiction Sin City No Country for old men
#131 misuma 14 år siden
Los Cronocrímenes
Haute Tension
Dead Man's Shoes
El Orfanato
El Espinazo Del Diablo
Låt Den Rette Komma In
One Hour Photo
Gone Baby Gone
Donnie Darko
Shaun Of The Dead
12 Monkeys
#132 Muldgraver 14 år siden
A Londoni férfi
American Splendor
Where the Wild Things are
Låt den rätte komma in
Life Aquatic
Das Weisse Band
Lost in Translation
Requiem for a Dream
Mulholland Drive
There Will be Blood
Pulp Fiction
Big Lebowsky, the
This is England
The Squid and the Whale
#133 Skeloboy 14 år siden
#134 Muldgraver 14 år siden
#135 Steffan Rasmussen 14 år siden
Den fulde titel på filmene er Trois couleurs: Rouge/Blanc/Bleu
#136 Muldgraver 14 år siden
#137 christianhg 14 år siden
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Man on the Moon
A Beautiful Mind
Miller's Crossing
American Beauty
Scent of a Woman
Dumb & Dumber
There Will Be Blood
Big Fish
25th Hour
Squid and the Whale, The
Truman Show, The
Abre los ojos
Godt at se Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas på en masse lister. Men hvorfor glemmer folk Dumb & Dumber? :)
#138 Steffan Rasmussen 14 år siden
Det behøver du ikke. Filmene skal stadigvæk regnes som tre film, det var bare ikke den fulde titel du havde skrevet.
#139 Muldgraver 14 år siden
Men fjong, så blev jeg det klogere. Tak for rettelsen
#140 Mr. Chriss 14 år siden
American History X
Fight Club
Forrest Gump
District 9
Bourne Ultimatum, the
Matrix, the
Lost in Translation
Shawshank Redemption, The
Prestige, the
Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
Reservoir Dogs
El Laberinto del fauno
Hurt Locker, the
Usual Suspekt, the
Pulp Fiction
Sin City
No Country for old men