
#631 lagoni 16 år siden

#629 - så du har fri de tre andre dage? Træls planlægning. Jeg har fri to, måske tre, dage om ugen, så håber jeg kan få taget mig sammen til at få læst de dage og måske finde et godt arbejde.
- Women remember, Steve. It's like they've got minds of their own.

#632 tiany 16 år siden

#631 Jep de er så gode til at planlægge i Kolding ;) Ja det er jo meningen man skal bruge de andre dage til at læse, men det er nogle gange svært at finde motivationen om mandagen til at læse til om fredagen. På sidste semester havde vi timer mandag og torsdag, hvilket passede mig fint fordi jeg arbejder tirsdag og onsdag.
Valar morghulis

#633 elwood 16 år siden

Øv ingen The Bank Job med posten idag, fordømt, havde lige håbet på en god film til weekenden, oh well det kan nåes Lørdag endnu.
J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots."
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"

#634 elwood 16 år siden

Forbereder aftensmaden, mens jeg høre The Ratpack (poor Sammy), damm hvem som havde en tidsmaskine...
J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots."
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"

#635 gi-jones 16 år siden

#633: Jeg går også og venter på en hel del film fra forskellige steder. Havde sgu håbet de var dukket op i dag.
Gi' dog pengene til Afrika... De har mere brug for dem.

#636 filmz-Bruce 16 år siden

Som ventet, giver den nye Blu-ray udgave af Transformers, den "gamle" HD DVD udgave, røv mht. lyden. Første anmeldelse er ude og DD+ må strække våben.

Paramount made a huge misstep on the HD-DVD by not giving us a TrueHD soundtrack, but they have corrected that on the Blu-Ray. The main thing I have to say is never discount the improved quality over a lossy track ever again. I watched a good part of the movie over since it was like watching it again for the first time with improved clarity in the highs, the more developed mids and more expansive bass. While the Dolby Digital Plus track was no slouch by any means, doing A/B comparisons of this material shows how much is different between lossless and lossy. The highs were much sharper without being shrill, making you wince once the glass was blown out of the command center at the beginning of the movie. LFE’s rumble with even more impact across the floor out towards you. There is greater warmth to the sound providing us with a more enveloping surround field. Directional effects blend even better in the TrueHD track giving you a better sense of height, of all things, and a more seamless blend of action. There was also a 6-10db difference in volume, the TrueHD track being the louder of the two, but that alone does not define why this is the better of the two tracks.

The 5.1 Dolby TrueHD track is, not to sound too repetitive, reference material. I don’t recall hearing a more active soundtrack for a very long time, where all 5.1 channels are used almost equally. There were a couple points in the movie where I noticed the fronts were barely engaged and the two surround channels were doing all of the work. Transitions between each of the channels are seamless and I found myself looking up to see if the planes were flying over me. Fidelity is excellent producing a clean and clear presentation that is free from any distortion. Bass effects come alive in the action scenes, obviously, but they do not overshadow the rest of the soundtrack. As the robots set off various explosives aimed at the viewer, the low bass rumbles your way, increasing in intensity as it washes over you. Voices are natural sounding but ADR is noticed in a couple scenes. Again, this is reference material.

Så selv undertegnede må nu ud og investere i dette lort. Hvad gør man ikke for god lyd :)
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:

#637 elwood 16 år siden


Hehe mine headphones skal på prøven igen kan jeg se.
J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots."
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"

#638 Takfornu 16 år siden

# 636 Bare lad være, det er da en af dine Top 10 film for 2007 :o)
A Life Lived in Fear - Is a Life Half Lived !

#639 elwood 16 år siden

J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots."
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"

#640 wiseguy 16 år siden

Sidder og læser om årets EISA Awards 2008-2009
Min HDD/DVD recorder har sku fået en pris - nice :o)
Den er nu også helt suveræn!!
Just because the fucker's got a library card doesn't make him Yoda!

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