Torsdag var der “stormøde” i Japan. De to giganter Toshiba og Sony begyndte officielle forhandlinger om én fremtidig dvd standard frem for to.
Sony har udviklet Blu-ray og Toshiba har udviklet HD-DVD. De to medier har startet en mindre krig i branchen. Producenter af dvd-afspillere og filmselskaber er delt, og man kan ikke blive enig om, hvilket medie man skal bruge. Taberne i dette spil vil blive forbrugerne… som altid.
Men nu er det officielt: Sony og Toshiba er begyndt at tale sammen om at lave de to medier til ét, men intet er dog bestemt. Hvilket af de to, det så skal være, er den største forhindring.
En talsmand for Sony siger at intet er bestemt, men man forsøger at give kunderne den bedste oplevelse, og et samarbejde ville give gode udsigter for fremtidige udviklinger af Blu-ray. En talsmand for Toshiba er enig i at ét medie er bedst for kunderne. Man kigger nu på muligheden for at forene de to standarder og ”forene de to standarders seperate styrker til én”, siger en kilde til MSNBC.
Nyheden bliver også dækket af Japan Today, der antyder at de amerikanske filmselskaber har bedt om disse samtaler.
#31 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden
#32 filmz-Arcona 19 år siden
#33 filmz-vassago 19 år siden
Nej, det lyder som om at DU ikke har sat dig ordenligt ind i sagerne. Jeg kan ikke huske hvilken af dem, men en af de 2 er ikke bagud kompatibel.
Helt i starten var Blu-Ray ikke bagudkompatibel, men det er lang tid siden at de besluttede sig for at lave det om.
Will Blu-ray support playback of DVDs?
Yes, several leading consumer electronics companies (including Sony, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung and LG) have already demonstrated products that can read/write CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs using a BD/DVD/CD compatible optical head, so you don't have to worry about your existing DVD collection becoming obsolete. Although it's up to each manufacturer to decide if they want to make their products backwards compatible with DVD, the format is far too popular to not be supported. The Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) expects every Blu-ray Disc device to be backward compatible with CDs and DVDs.
#34 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden
The first breakthrough feature on this player is definitely the inclusion of Silicon Optix’s new chip; the Realta HQV. This is, in a nutshell, a new chip based on the Teranex video processor. For those not familiar with the Teranex, it is a $60,000 commercial video processor that has long been considered the de facto video processing standard. This chip offers true 10-bit processing end to end and is one of the only chips on the market that will do true 1080i to 1080p inverse telecine de-interlacing. While this chip does offer a full scaling capability, Denon has chosen to only use the chip for its I/P conversion and video post processing. As a de-interlacer, the Realta is the best I’ve seen. It combines the features I love about both the Faroudja and Silicon Image chips and doesn’t have any of their drawbacks.
This chip recovers from a cadence break faster then the Faroudja and stays in film mode longer. It also has incredible video de-interlacing capabilities. I called up the famous Faroudja flag waving in the wind test to see how it would do. Previously only Faroudja based de-interlacers with DCDi technology would render this flag perfectly with no obvious jaggies. The Realta performed every bit as good though. I also tried some of my harder tests, including a clip from the recent Blue Man Group DVD-A The Complex. This disc features a music video with Dave Matthews and always causes problems for de-interlacers. Comparing the Realta with the Faroudja solution revealed far less combs and more stability in the image. This chip also doesn’t exhibit any of the macroblocking issues associated with the latest Genesis FLI-23xx based video chips. The only area that the Faroudja solution eclipsed the Realta processing was with diagonal lines. The Faroudja showed less jaggies with extreme diagonals then the Realta. I know Silicon Optix is still tweaking their performance in this area and I look forward to seeing what advancements they’ll make in this regard.
On the video post processing side, this chip is really quite impressive. Denon has incorporated some of the noise reduction features this chip offers. Normally, I am not a big fan of these filters, as they usually tend to hurt the image more then help it, but in this case, the benefits are quite obvious. Turning the filters on, and using material that was pretty bad in terms of artifacts, definitely cleaned the image up without adding any unnecessary ringing or softness. This was readily apparent using the Silicon Optix demonstration DVD. I would still only recommend this for badly authored DVDs and only at the end users discretion. Since Denon offers five individual picture memories, one could easily tailor one for badly authored DVDs and one for better discs.
#35 filmz-Arcona 19 år siden
tror ikke de første bliver så dyre som man kan frygte eftersom Playstation 3 spås til at koster ca 300$
#36 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden
#37 Hive 19 år siden
Men det er da kun godt så.
#38 dfms 19 år siden
Problemet er om man kan overbevise den alm.forbruger 80-90% af alle der køber dvd'er, at de skal til at købe nye film. Hvad med prisen, hvis filmene kommer til at koste imellem 300 og 400 kr,- stk, ja så er BR/HD-DVD dødsejler. :-|