Hos BlueTights har instruktøren Bryan Singer nu frigivet sin seneste video-dagbog fra produktionen af “Superman Returns”, der i øjeblikket står på i Sydney.
Denne gang er der dog tale om en cross-over video, hvori Peter Jackson er i gang med den sidste uges optagelser af “King Kong”, hvor han er så træt at han ringer til Singer for at få lidt hjælp.
Produktionen har Brandon Routh i titelrollen som den blåklædte superhelt fra Krypton, mens Kevin Spacey spiller hans nemesis, det onde geni Lex Luthor. “Superman Returns” er sat til at få premiere i juni 2006.
#1 filmz-cycron 19 år siden
#2 nostromo 19 år siden
In fact it was a waste of time, almost like bragging that he met Pete Jackson. Who by the way sure lost a lot of pounds.
Is it just me or is Bryan Singer the long lost brother of Will Farrel, they sure look alike.
As for Bryan, people have not forgiven him for ditching X-men 3 just when it was about to get interesting. Superman has to be so good that the fans can forgive him as well as the other companies involved in X-3.
Still, I have no expectations to this movie, I fear it will be too much feminine pop-like movie and not at all what it should be... A bit more realistic... I mean come on, this super-hero is wearing his underwear on the outside... I don't know about you but that is no longer in, in 2005. I wonder if it ever really was...
Who the hell came up with that anyway...????
#3 Hal60 19 år siden
Syntes dog Naomi Watts er lidt dobbelmoralsk, hvis man også ser #1's link... Først roser hun Bryan Singer, derefter kritiserer hun ham... That skank!
#4 filmz-mølle 19 år siden
#5 elwood 19 år siden
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#6 nostromo 19 år siden
#7 mr gaijin 19 år siden
#8 davenport 19 år siden