Sidst på efteråret i år skulle de første HD-DVD afspillere komme i butikkerne i USA og Japan. Toshiba, der også står bag mediet, meddelte torsdag, at man nu udsætter lanceringen til 2006. Dette gør man for at sikre produktet lever op til kundernes krav.
Toshiba siger nu, at der er tvivl om, hvornår man lancerer i USA. Samtidig er der også mulighed for, man først lancerer i Japan næste år. Toshiba fastholder dog, at de stadig tror på HD-DVD som fremtidens medie.
Der meddeles ikke noget om, hvornår man eventuelt vil lancere HD-DVD i Europa.
#1 nostromo 19 år siden
#2 filmz-bleze 19 år siden
Fuck hvad skal vi med HD-DVD når Blu-Ray er bedre. Betamax vs VHS om igen. Bliv dog enige
#3 davenport 19 år siden
#4 Slettet Bruger [1517200599] 19 år siden
Var Betamax i øvrigt direkte dårligere end VHS? - var det ikke mere et spørgsmål folks smag osv. der gjorde at VHS vandt, og ikke så meget hvad der var bedst, rent teknisk?
#5 myggen 19 år siden
#6 Slettet Bruger [1517200599] 19 år siden
#7 nostromo 19 år siden
It might be true... Cause, it is cheap to put on any media, also there is A LOT OF IT!
Who knows...
#8 davenport 19 år siden
#9 jjj 19 år siden
"For reasons of digital copy protection, BOTH HD-DVD and Blu-ray Disc are likely going to allow full 1080 high-definition resolution video signals to be passed ONLY through digital (read: protected) HDMI connections, and NOT analog component connections. Toshiba has already privately admitted this, but Sony has not. By doing this, BOTH formats are basically shutting themselves out of about 80% of the early adopter market - a HUGE mistake that could end this format war almost before it's begun. Why? Because it's early adopters who are likely going to make or break either format - they're the folks who WANT high-definition movies on disc the most. And most early adopters purchased their HDTVs in the first year or two that they were available (that is, after all, WHY they call them early adopters - they like to be the first on the block to buy new technology). What that means is that most early adopters have HDTVs that ONLY come with analog component HD inputs - not HDMI (or even DVI).
There's an expression that comes to mind here: "You don't bite the hand that feeds you." BOTH Blu-ray Disc and HD-DVD are quietly planning to do just that. Which means that not only is this format war ugly, unnecessary and embarrassing for the consumer electronics industry, it's also gone well beyond being stupid. You get the feeling that Moe, Larry and Curly could have figured out a better plan. Hell, Curly Joe and Shemp alone could have worked out a compromise by now.
#10 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden