Filmz kan som de første i Danmark eksklusivt vise et nyt, actionfyldt klip fra Ridley Scotts “Robin Hood”.

Klippet, der vist bedst kan betegnes som “Saving Private Ryan”-Robin Hood-style, viser et blodigt strandangreb og kan ses i videoen herunder.

Filmen følger Robin Hood og hans håndgangne mænd, der i det 13. århundreds England tager kampen op mod korruptionen i Nottingham og står i spidsen for et oprør mod kongemagten.

Robin Hood” kan ses i danske biografer 13. maj.

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#71 filmz-Bruce 14 år siden

Spændende læsning! Jeg røg også lige videre til David Thomson og en artikel, som sikkert er ret kontroversiel.

Jamen halløjsa, David Thomson har jo også lige begået en artikel om Ridley Scott.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:

#72 Highland Park 14 år siden

Jeg er begyndt at følge med i Bordwell-parrets fine lille blog: skrev:
One of my favorite comments about the movie came during Dick Cavett’s television show circa 1980. Dick asked Jean-Luc Godard what he thought of Apocalypse Now. This was a period in which most of the press coverage obsessed about the film’s soaring budget. Godard remarked that Coppola had not spent enough. Cavett asked for an explanation. Godard: “Well, he spent only fifty million dollars and the war cost fifty billion. You cannot film this war on such a small budget.” That’s the way I remember it, anyhow.

Hehe... :)
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#73 filmz-Bruce 14 år siden

#72 Hehe :) Lyder som en anekdote i samme boldgade som Hoffman/Olivier i Marathon Man :)
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:

#74 Highland Park 14 år siden

#73: Den kender jeg vist ikke så fortæl endelig. :)
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#75 Patriarch 14 år siden

BN (25) skrev:
Jeg er målløs ... og kæbeløs .... håber, kirurgerne kan sy den på igen. ;-)

Nu ved du hvordan vi andre har det når du giver The Phantom Menace 10/10 :D
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

#76 filmz-Bruce 14 år siden

#73 Der er faktisk flere fortællinger og hvilken der er rigtig ved jeg ikke :)

Dette er den første version:

The American actor Dustin Hoffman, playing a victim of imprisonment and torture in the film The Marathon Man, prepared himself for his role by keeping himself awake for two days and nights. He arrived at the studio disheveled and drawn to be met by his co-star, Laurence Olivier.

"Dear boy, you look absolutely awful," exclaimed the First Lord of the Theatre. "Why don't you try acting? It's so much easier."

Steve Martin fortalte om episoden i Saturday Night Live:

"Hoffman came to the set one day looking absolutely wretched, and Sir Larry said, 'Dusty, you look absolutely wretched!', and it turns out that he had been awake for twenty-four hours, because at this point in the movie, his character had been, so Larry replied, 'Oh, Dusty, why don't you just try acting?', and the American retorted, 'Act on this, you British ***,' and Larry replied, 'I asked for a meal, not a snack!'"

Hoffman selv, forklarede i et interview om episoden:

CONAN: I have to ask you, and this, as far as I know -- I've read this line that he's attributed to in the taping and the process of filming that movie, you were said to have stayed awake for two days to get -- be right for that part in the movie when you were supposed to have been awake for two days, the exhaustion, and he is supposed to have said, 'Why doesn't the dear boy just act?'

Mr. HOFFMAN: Well, it's -- you know, it's become, God knows, more than slightly distorted. I told that story to Time magazine and then they reinterpreted it because it made a better story. I was in New York shooting. My marriage, first marriage, was falling apart. It was a good excuse to party. And, you know, the reason to stay up for two days wasn't just because the character stayed up two days. It was because, you know, I was partying, it was Studio 54. And I rationalized it by saying, you know -- so that was, I think, the deeper reason.

When I got to Los Angeles and we continued filming and I was laughing, you know, talking to -- I called him Lordage -- talking to Lordage about this. We both laughed and he said--he says, 'Why don't you try acting?' But there was irony there, which I said in the Time interview, which unfortunately was left out. And Joan Plowright agreed with me later when she said to me, 'Larry, of all people,' she said, 'you know, didn't just act. He was always looking for new absolutely extraordinary ways and things to do a part in a way that no one had done it before. It went beyond acting.' For instance, she said in the last scene, or one of the last scenes of "Hamlet," where, you know, Hamlet starts murdering everybody, she said, 'Larry did a jump from 30 feet up, you know, on a scaffolding of the set. And if he didn't land right on this actor's shoulders, you know, they both would have broken their neck.'

And he was -- you know, he did -- and I always felt that there was, according -- you know, the version that Time did, you know, there would have been another Olivier standing there saying to Sir Laurence, 'Why don't you just try acting?' So that's the spirit in which he said it. I think the story, in a sense, does a disservice to him because he was adventurous. You know, acting didn't have boundaries to him.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:

#77 Highland Park 14 år siden

#25: Bare rolig BN, det lykkedes jo for John Bobbitt, så de kan sikkert godt klipse din fast igen, når blot du har husket at proppe kræet i en ispose.
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#78 filmz-Bruce 14 år siden

#77 Ebert er i fin form uden kæbe, så jeg tror nu sagtens BN hurtigt kommer på banen igen :)
Wishlist hos Axelmusic:

#79 Highland Park 14 år siden

#78: Nå var det bare kæben? Pfft!

Tak for den herlige anekdote ("Sir Larry"; blasfemi!). Jeg vil prøve at finde interviewet på youtube.
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#80 Highland Park 14 år siden

Æv, jeg kan ikke finde det og må derfor tage til takke med:
[url= Dirty Dustin[/url]
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

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