Filmen om idéer er en dygtigt tænkt idé, der dog ikke er unikt udført, men solid og seværdig. De mange mareridtstunge forklaringer og overraskende monotone actionsekvenser, der end ikke kan reddes af en hidsigt insisterende musikalsk ledsagelse, gør, at man efterlades med fornemmelsen af, at Nolans drømmeprojekt kunne have været eksekveret mere levende og spændstigt, end tilfældet er blevet. Christopher Nolan er forhåbentlig ikke udtømt for dejligt storladne idéer, så han i fremtiden kan give os flere fabelagtige drømmefilm. Den her drøm ønsker man desværre at vågne lidt for tidligt fra.

Se også: Filmz TV: “Inception” og Christopher Nolan.

Læs hele anmeldelsen her


#471 filmz-ab 14 år siden


Den tanke har jeg også tænkt, meeen :-) Jeg bliver ihvertfald aldrig træt af den film. Så lige trailer til den film, du snakkede om på fb, Primer. Ser nice ud. Tror jeg tager chancen.
You wanna know what happens to an eyeball when it gets punctured?

#472 BN 14 år siden

a@babo (469) skrev:

DU er slet ikke virkelig, BN. Snurretoppen falder ikke for dig :-) Du er en projektion.

Jamen, projektioner kan da også være virkelige - ihvertfald i drømme. ;-)

#473 Highland Park 14 år siden

#470: Enig, det er ret åbenlyst. Det hele går op.
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#474 filmz-ab 14 år siden


good one. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes :-)
You wanna know what happens to an eyeball when it gets punctured?

#475 BN 14 år siden

a@babo (474) skrev:

good one. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes :-)

Ved ikke, om du kender det følgende citat?

"Who are you gonna believe? Me or your own eyes?" - Groucho Marx

#476 filmz-ab 14 år siden


Ret åbenlyst er det ikke. Hvorfor skal vi tro Teddy, til slut? I så fald står jeg tilbage med en del spørgsmål, hvis Lenny er Sammy.
You wanna know what happens to an eyeball when it gets punctured?

#477 filmz-ab 14 år siden


Nope :-(
You wanna know what happens to an eyeball when it gets punctured?

#478 Lord Beef Jerky 14 år siden

#476 Oh yeah?! Nævn 4!
"Avatar blev skrevet flere år før Pocahontas, og dermed (forhåbentlig indlysende) også før Irak krigen"

#479 Highland Park 14 år siden

#476: I mine øjne er det. Men nævn endelig dine spørgsmål samt grunde til at du ikke kan stole på Teddy.
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#480 filmz-ab 14 år siden

#479 Lige lidt fra IMDB, først:

There is some debate on what we are supposed to believe happened at the end of the film. Is Teddy lying/truthful? How did Leonard's wife die? Was there a 2nd attacker? Is Teddy the 2nd attacker? etc, etc. In most regards it does not matter what we believe happened in the backstory. The "twist" is independent of all of that.

The twist in the film is that at the end, no matter what the truth is, Leonard believes that Teddy is not the 2nd attacker. If Leonard believed that Teddy were the 2nd attacker, he would kill him then and there. Even though he does not believe Teddy is the 2nd attacker (whether he is or not) he still decides to set him up. Leonard even indicates in the voice-over before setting up Teddy that he does not even think the Teddy could be the 2nd attacker: "You think I just want another puzzle to solve? Another John G to look for? You're a John G. So you can be my John G. Do I lie to myself to be happy? In your case, Teddy, yes, I will."

We can argue why and/or how moral/immoral his actions are, but his actions demonstrate he does not believe Teddy is the 2nd attacker and is abandoning any quest for the 2nd attacker. Whether this means that Leonard believes him to be dead or "unfindable" is unclear.

Writing down Teddy's license plate indicates that Leonard believes that the 2nd attacker is already dead (or unknowable) and is choosing to set himself up to kill Teddy, a man he does not believe to the be the 2nd attacker. So he chooses to create what he believes is a "false quest" to seemingly give his existence some sort of purpose.

You wanna know what happens to an eyeball when it gets punctured?

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