
#1191 BN 14 år siden


Et ret interessant mix/nummer.

Som helhed: 6/10

Fyrens evne til at lave et mix: 10/10

[url= Ouvert[/url]

#1192 Skeloboy 14 år siden

#1191 - den er faktisk temmelig fed...lige indtil

Den minder mig meget om stemningen i black metal til tider. 8/10 til den.

Et nummer fra Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.

[url= In A World of Blue[/url]

#1193 Collateral 14 år siden

#1192: Smukt nummer. Minder mig om LOTR soundtrackets smukkeste øjeblikke. Jeg syntes vokalen herpå er fantastisk. Meget smuk, og nogle gange næsten bare en hvisken. 9/10

Jeg er lige begyndt at lytte til dette band (efter at forsangeren har medvirket i en Volbeat sang for nylig.) Jeg syntes det er ret fedt. Kreator:
"You can't please everybody. In fact sometimes I don't please anybody" - Oliver Stone

#1194 Skeloboy 14 år siden

#1193 - Kreator er jo mega-gammelt, og en af det The Big Three of German Thrash. Deres første cd er fra midt-80, og deres Extreme Aggression er en af de klassiske thrash-udgivelser.

9/10 til det nummer der, fucking epic thrash!

Vi bliver lige i samme band, og så kan du lige få et nummer fra Extreme Aggression:

Og det skal fandeme høres højt! :)


#1195 Collateral 14 år siden

#1194: Jo, men jeg har da læst en smule op på baggrunden, men derfor er de jo stadig nye for mig. Endnu. Men er ret pjattet med deres seneste album, som jeg er startet med, bare for at starte et eller andet sted. Har du så stort kendskab til dem at du har en favoritplade?
"You can't please everybody. In fact sometimes I don't please anybody" - Oliver Stone

#1196 Skeloboy 14 år siden

#1195 - nej slet ikke. Har kun næsten kun hørt Extreme Aggression, og så lidt fra andre. Jeg kan bare min metalhistorie...:)

#1197 Collateral 14 år siden

#1196: Ok :) Jeg syntes også det er herligt at få udvidet sin horisont med noget nyt gammelt musik.
"You can't please everybody. In fact sometimes I don't please anybody" - Oliver Stone

#1198 Collateral 14 år siden

#1194: Det går eddermame stærkt. Jeg syntes Petrozzas vokal er fantastisk original. Derudover holder musikken også 100%, der er ikke så meget andet at sige.

Jeg er i tvivl om jeg har lagt denne sang op tidligere, men here goes:
"You can't please everybody. In fact sometimes I don't please anybody" - Oliver Stone

#1199 Antlion 14 år siden


Intens instrumental, men den kedelige åbningsvokal danner allerede ensartetheden af anti-Bush og omertà 'propaganda'. 4/10!

[url= Floor Elevators - Slip Inside This House[/url]

#1200 Antlion 14 år siden

Bedoin tribes ascending
From the egg into the flower,
Alpha information sending
State within the heaven shower
From disciples the unending
Subtleties of river power
They slip inside this house as they pass by

If your limbs begin dissolving
In the water that you tread
All surroundings are evolving
In the stream that clears your head
Find yourself a caravan
Like Noah must have led
And slip inside this house as you pass by.
Slip inside this house as you pass by.

True conception, knowing why
Brings even more than meets the eye
Slip inside this house as you pass by.

In this dark we call creation
We can be and feel and know
From an effort, comfort station
That's surviving on the go
There's infinite survival in
The high baptismal glow.
Slip inside this house as you pass by.

There is no season when you are grown
You are always risen from the seeds you've sown
There is no reason to rise alone
Other stories given have sages of their own.

Live where your heart can be given
And your life starts to unfold
In the forms you envision
In this dream that's ages old
On the river layer is the only sayer
You receive all you can hold
Like you've been told.

Every day's another dawning
Give the morning winds a chance
Always catch your thunder yawning
Lift your mind into the dance
Sweep the shadows from your awning
Shrink the fourfold circumstance
That lies outside this house don't pass it by.

Higher worlds that you uncover
Light the path you want to roam
You compare there and discover
You won't need a shell of foam
Twice born gypsies care and keep
The nowhere of their former home
They slip inside this house as they pass by.
Slip inside this house as you pass by.

You think you can't, you wish you could
I know you can, I wish you would
Slip inside this house as you pass by.

Four and twenty birds of Maya
Baked into an atom you
Polarized into existence
Magnet heart from red to blue
To such extent the realm of dark
Within the picture it seems true
But slip inside this house and then decide.

All your lightning waits inside you
Travel it along your spine
Seven stars receive your visit
Seven seals remain divine
Seven churches filled with spirit,
Treasure from the angels' mine
Slip inside this house as you pass by.
Slip inside this house as you pass by.

The space you make has your own laws
No longer human gods are cause
The center of this house will never die.

There is no season when you are grown
You are always risen from the seeds you've sown
There is no reason to rise alone
Other stories given have sages of their own.

Draw from the well of unchanging
Its union nourishes on
In the right re-arranging
Till the last confusion is gone
Water-brothers trust in the ultimust
Of the always singing song they pass along.

One-eyed men aren't really reigning
They just march in place until
Two-eyed men with mystery training
Finally feel the power fill
Three-eyed men are not complaining.
They can yo-yo where they will
They slip inside this house as they pass by.
Don't pass it by.

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