Det eneste gode ved den er at der er flere mennesker. Dog er der små børn med deres mikrofoner, som smider bande ord og dumme kommentar ud hele tiden. Også er Ps3 MP gratis. Så synes at ps3 er ligeså god, hvis ikke bedre.
LCPD Police Blotter -- A virtual map and tracker of single-player criminal activity logged in Liberty City from the aggregated data of millions of connected players - showing the most dangerous areas of town, most commonly used weapons and more.
The Story Gang -- This special single-player leaderboard recognizes players who complete Niko Bellic's main story arc of Grand Theft Auto IV - The leaderboard ranks players according to the total amount of playing time it's taken to complete the story, as well as a historical rank by who has completed it first. Members of this club will receive special online widgets and merit badges marking all of their in-game accomplishments.
The 100% Club -- Watch to see who will be the first to complete 100% of the game. The first ten people to be identified on the Social Club as reaching 100% will be sent an ultra-rare commemorative 'key to the city' to mark their accomplishment. In the future, the 100% Club will then carry a historical leaderboard showing rankings of who has completed 100% of a game in the shortest span of playing hours.
The Hall of Fame -- This area will dynamically recognize those singularly elite players who have reached the top of the hill on various statistical leaderboards, and will also contain a personal awards display of special in-game landmarks and successes in Social Club competitions.
The Liberty City Marathon -- A ranking of special physical milestones achieved in the game - from the amount of miles walked, driven, or swam - to the number of bullets fired and stunt-jumps jumped. There will be additional special marathon-based competitions in the future from this area as well. The Social Club won't be limited to the list above, according to Rockstar the feature can be expanded with special competitions, leaderboards and new challenges to test gamers months after GTA IV's release. It's interesting to note that the press release continually called it the "Rockstar Social Club" indicating that the same functionality could be applied to future Rockstar properties as well.
This weekend will be filled with staring out of windows while holding a glass of scotch.
#71 elwood 16 år siden
Så må 360 udgaven være for singleplayer ved mig, og så PS3 til multiplayer hehe.
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#72 Corgan 16 år siden
Generelt er 360'erens online del da langt bedre end PS3'en. Hvor så vælge PS3 til multiplayer?
#73 cansi 16 år siden
Det eneste gode ved den er at der er flere mennesker. Dog er der små børn med deres mikrofoner, som smider bande ord og dumme kommentar ud hele tiden. Også er Ps3 MP gratis. Så synes at ps3 er ligeså god, hvis ikke bedre.
#74 elwood 16 år siden
Plus jeg skal da ha muligheden for at ydmyge DarkLight i noget online, på et tidspunkt, eller hvertfald gøre forsøget 8-)
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#75 DarkLight 16 år siden
GTA Social Club
LCPD Police Blotter -- A virtual map and tracker of single-player criminal activity logged in Liberty City from the aggregated data of millions of connected players - showing the most dangerous areas of town, most commonly used weapons and more.
The Story Gang -- This special single-player leaderboard recognizes players who complete Niko Bellic's main story arc of Grand Theft Auto IV - The leaderboard ranks players according to the total amount of playing time it's taken to complete the story, as well as a historical rank by who has completed it first. Members of this club will receive special online widgets and merit badges marking all of their in-game accomplishments.
The 100% Club -- Watch to see who will be the first to complete 100% of the game. The first ten people to be identified on the Social Club as reaching 100% will be sent an ultra-rare commemorative 'key to the city' to mark their accomplishment. In the future, the 100% Club will then carry a historical leaderboard showing rankings of who has completed 100% of a game in the shortest span of playing hours.
The Hall of Fame -- This area will dynamically recognize those singularly elite players who have reached the top of the hill on various statistical leaderboards, and will also contain a personal awards display of special in-game landmarks and successes in Social Club competitions.
The Liberty City Marathon -- A ranking of special physical milestones achieved in the game - from the amount of miles walked, driven, or swam - to the number of bullets fired and stunt-jumps jumped. There will be additional special marathon-based competitions in the future from this area as well.
The Social Club won't be limited to the list above, according to Rockstar the feature can be expanded with special competitions, leaderboards and new challenges to test gamers months after GTA IV's release. It's interesting to note that the press release continually called it the "Rockstar Social Club" indicating that the same functionality could be applied to future Rockstar properties as well.
#76 DarkLight 16 år siden
#77 elwood 16 år siden
Det er Den hvor de gennemgår hele GTA IV serien, og så bagefter ser på GTA IV, mens de snakker med Sam Houser, om hvo'end et hele startede ikke.
Jeg har desværre ikke et online, jo kun af GTA IV delen, som jeg nappede før Rockstar fjernede links'ne...
Men jeg kan da linke dig til en online udgave af hele skidtet 8-)
GTA serien start
GTA IV + Sam Houser
Sam Houser er en herlig Mand 8-)
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"
#78 Bony 16 år siden
#79 DarkLight 16 år siden
#80 elwood 16 år siden
Har overhovedet ingen ide om hvad du snakker om 8-)
Hvordan dælen for man tiden til at well, her er lidt god læsning.
IGN gennemgår GTA's Historie
Eller hva med et 11 siders Interview med Dan Houser, og Rockstar North Art Director Aaron Garbut omkring hele visionen med GTA IV
Næste del Kommer på Mandag.
Men ja der var da lidt læsning der hehe.
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"