har interviewet Joss Whedon og Morena Baccarin omkring den kommende film “Serenity”, men var dog mest nysgerrige omkring Whedons kommende projekt “Wonder Woman”.
Whedon sagde bl.a. at én af grundene til at han havde valgt dette projekt, var at den ikke havde en fast premieredato, som f.eks. “X-Men 3”.
Da han blev spurgt om hvem han havde i tankerne til at skulle spille Wonder Woman, svarede han at han ikke havde nogen i tankerne endnu. Baccarin sagde dog med et stort smil på læberne, at hun da var interesseret.
Whedon fortalte også at filmen ikke, som “Fantastic Four”, vil blive en komedie, som det er lagt op til at “Fantastic Four” skal være, men at han dog nok vil flette nogen vittigheder ind, da han jo ikke kan lade være. Så han vil være tro mod sin egen humor.
På kan man se hele interviewet med Windows Media Player.
#1 Jay El 19 år siden
#2 nostromo 19 år siden
She needs more character in her face, more of that "I can make you think twice" kind of look. What is this? Baby face super heros? Come on, what happened to the good old days when men were men and women were women.
Who should play Wonder Woman? Watch Justice League Unlimited and try to figure out who fits Wonder Woman's shoes or boots. I think we can all agree on this, it would not be easy to find a person that can live up to that character. Therefore we would need someone who is new and has that personality.
But then again 98% of the movies made today are made by idiots for idiots... So what are we to do... It's all just business... Nothing more...
I mean look at her :
Nice... Sure... Can she convince me that she can fly and really make a difference in the super hero world? No....
#3 filmz-Exitium 19 år siden
#4 filmz-herskegut 19 år siden
The next sentence is fake,
The previous sentence is true.
#5 myggen 19 år siden
#6 davenport 19 år siden
#7 Hive 19 år siden
#8 Hive 19 år siden
#9 filmz-UDollar A.K.A. Nino 19 år siden
#10 davenport 19 år siden