Steven Spielberg har muligvis taget skridtet ind i opfindelsernes verden. I hvert fald kan den succesfulde instruktør overfor Hollywood Reporter afsløre, at han har opfundet ikke mindre end fremtidens biografoplevelse.

Spielberg fortæller at i fremtidens biograf vil man ikke kun mentalt, men også fysisk, blive opslugt af filmens handling: ”Man vil fysisk være inde i oplevelsen, som vil omgive dig fra toppen, bunden og alle sider af.”

Spielberg ville dog ikke gå i detaljer omkring det tilsyneladende nyskabende projekt: ”Jeg har opfundet det, men fordi patentet ikke er på plads kan jeg endnu ikke snakke om det.”

For tiden er Spielberg i gang med optagelserne til filmen “Munich”, om terror-aktionen under OL i 1972, som man nok må blive nødt til at se i mere traditionelle biograf-rammer.

Vis kommentarer (12)

#11 Michael Andersen 19 år siden

#10 Bare det ikke er hårrejsende 70'er porno :)
Smile, you son of a bitch!

#12 nostromo 19 år siden

If Holodeck would be invented.... TRUST me when I say, HoloMania or a new VirtuPhobia would be invented in a split second. People would be killing their ex-boy/girlfriends, bosses, people they hate in general. They would screw around with people they would never EVER get a chance to do. And then they would need counseling, like poor old Barckley from Star Trek the Next Generation. Where he was fantasizing of him being mister hot stuff and Deanna Troy was his sex kitten... Hmmm, not a bad dream though, problem is that she kind of walked in on him once while he was in his "Reality" not knowing she was the real thing... Woops...

And then the underground hardcore porn business would start to evolve. GET IT HERE only $99 and you can live your fantasy with famous people like Brittney Spears, Erika Eleniak, and all the girls from Playboy and Penthouse from 1990 to present! YEs all that AND more for $99!! Join now and get a free mug with you and your favorite scene in your dream.

It could go VERY Bad in a split second...

You'd have to say to your friend " No Charlie, you NEVER went to the Moon, it was just a holodeck, and no you are not married to Charlize Theron. You are just an normal schmuck like the rest of us..." And no you are not in relation to Captain Picard, he is not real..."

Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

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