En kilde fra Fox’ studier i Sydney meddeler nu til Moviehole, at den kommende Superman filmatisering muligvis ændrer titel.

”Alt der har været sagt om at titlen skulle være ‘Superman Returns’ trækkes nu tilbage, og i stedet kommer den nye titel ‘Superman : The Red Sun’. I har sikkert hørt titlen før, men det ser ud til at blive titlen. Det er i al fald det de siger til os.”

Vis kommentarer (10)

#1 nakalay 20 år siden

Filmen kommer til at stinke uanset. :)
We've got chicken tonight. Strangest damn things. They're man made.

#2 davenport 20 år siden

Hvem skal spille Superman??
Den eneste rigtige er jo død..
Min fars fætter, har bare mødt John Williams! Æh, Bæh!!

#3 Patriarch 20 år siden

En gut der hedder Brandon Ruth eller noget i den dur
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

#4 filmz-cluas 20 år siden

Jeg tror den bliver god !

#5 Bardoboy 20 år siden

#1 kunne ikke være mere enig.. :)

#6 akerman 20 år siden

Brandon Routh

#7 filmz-sikorab 20 år siden

Håber ikke de fucker den her film totalt, er rimelig fan af Supermand universet.

#8 nostromo 20 år siden

They really cannot think much in Hollywood anymore... I think the tag line over there is this :" I give you 10 sec to pitch me an idea and you have 2 months to make it happen!"

He says :

All I was is Lots of Action, Big bangs, naked chicks, dwarfs, beer, a Bad guy and some Mexican person who will take the fall in the end. Oh and it has to be one hell of a big space epic battle. Oh and a Man who can fly, and cannot look at raw meat.

And then the new writer thinks for a second, and spends the next 9 seconds trying to copy and paste every movies idea he has seen in the past 20 years into ONE movie. Then he says ; I GOT IT! How about Alien Vs. Predator? It has everything, Blood guts, Aliens, Love/erotic story (edited out later), people dying, big booms!!!
-End of conversation... And a big flop hits the theaters worldwide... Yeeeaaahhhhh 8(

Seeeshhh, I cannot understand how it can be so damn hard to sell a good story when most of what is coming out of Hollywood is total and utter bull crap!

Ah well, at least we can see the short version of the movie that will undoubtedly be better than the theatrical version. THE TRAILER to Superman!!! And that one is for free!

Ps. let us hope they can do some justice to this legendary story...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#9 Yoda 20 år siden

Jeg venter med at udtale mig om dens kvalitet, til jeg har set den. Man kunne jo blive overrasket, hvem ved?
Steven Spielberg: "Every time I go to a movie, it's magic, no matter what the movie's about."

#10 Yoda 20 år siden

Jeg venter med at udtale mig om dens kvalitet, til jeg har set den. Man kunne jo blive overrasket, hvem ved?
Steven Spielberg: "Every time I go to a movie, it's magic, no matter what the movie's about."

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