En sælsom dokumentarfilm om en vits er på vej – der er tale om 100 af verdens største komikere der alle går sammen og individuelt byder sig ind på hvem der kommer op med den sjoveste vittighed, efter devicen ”jo ulækrere, jo bedre”.

Reglen er ganske enkelt at starten og pointen af vittigheden skal være den samme, men alt fyldet er op til den enkelte komiker.

Blandt de 100 der har sagt ja til at deltage kan findes: Whoopi Goldberg, Drew Carey, Billy Connolly, Eddie Izzard, Trey Parker, Robin Williams, Jon Stewart samt mange andre.

Vis kommentarer (47)

#1 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden

Har læst reviews af denne og den skulle være helt afsindigt morsom, så ser meget frem til den kommer!
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#2 Riqon 18 år siden

Sex-jokes kan være sjove, men dem, der virkelig slår mig omkuld og giver mig grineflip (de par gange det sker om året), er sjovt nok aldrig om sex.

Jeg er af den sjældne holdning, at det er ikke svært at være "sjov", hvis bare man er ulækker nok. Det er ingen kunst at være klam. Den sande komiker er ham, som ikke behøver være sjofel for at få folk til at grine.
The only way to beat a troll is to not play their game.

#3 maniac 18 år siden

Den sande komiker er ham, som ikke behøver være sjofel for at få folk til at grine.

Hvilket jeg synes Jerry Seinfeld er et godt eksempel på. Han kan normalt være morsom uden at forfalde til tisse-humor og frække ord :)

#4 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden

Formoder ikke denne dokumentar kun er om at være vulgær eller ulækker. Nedenstående lyder af meget mere:

SCREENED AT THE 2005 SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL: This is a movie in which over 100 famous comedians tell the exact same joke. Sounds pretty tiresome, doesn't it? Nope! Not when you have comedians this creative and a joke this malleable! A huge pat on the back to Mr. Paul Provenza for delivering what's not only one of the most hilarious documentaries I've ever seen, but a film that perfectly illustrates the creativity and craftsmanship found within the world's finest comedic artists.
Let's get one thing straight right out of the gate: The Aristocrats is raunchy. Hoo boy is it ever. It's vulgar and profane and unapologetically dirty. There's stuff here that would cause Redd Foxx and Buddy Hackett to turn red with embarrassment. But there's a good reason for all the stunningly potty-mouthed material: The Aristocrats is about the art of making people laugh, of taking a painfully old joke and infusing it with your own specific style. Some comedians would go in a PG-13 direction; others dive right on into the triple-X pool. And who are we to judge how an artist creates his work?

"The Aristocrats" is the punch line to a joke told only in private, by comedians to comedians. It's the comic's equivalent of an athlete's workout regiment. It stretches the muscles and tests the limits. It can be short and sweet or it can be endlessly nasty. This is a movie that doesn't just revel in one dirty joke; it's an artful and irreverent love letter to the fine art of laughmaking. And if you've ever dropped to the floor in peals of helpless laughter from a particular piece of stand-up material, if you've ever gone to see Steve Martin's latest movie ONLY out of appreciation for all the chuckles he's doled out over the years, if you feel a real warmth and affection for your very favorite comedians - then I suspect that you'll find a whole lot to appreciate in The Aristocrats.

It wouldn't be very difficult for me to type out the whole massive list of comedians who participate in this blissfully fun film, but why even bother? The Aristocrats is absolutely overstuffed with funny folks, some of whom you love and adore, others you might never have heard of. Yet, somehow, every single participant manages to bring a new dose of insight...while telling the same joke! Think about that. If I proposed a 90-minute documentary in which 100 singers cover the same song, we'd most likely fall asleep within 21 minutes. Yet The Aristocrats breezes along flawlessly, and when it was all over I found myself craving a feature-length "deleted scenes" segment!

What I found particularly satisfying about The Aristocrats is the way in which in allows the "character actor comedians" to shine as brightly as immortals like Robin Williams and George Carlin. I've always known that Harry Shearer, Martin Mull, Michael McKean, Larry Miller, Kevin Pollak, Hank Azaria, Fred Willard and Taylor Negron were drop-dead funny guys, and it's great to see them earning some of this movie's biggest laughs. (Note: Sarah Silverman is officially this planet's funniest female.) You'll get to see sides of Jon Stewart and Bob Saget that you've never seen before...plus this movie wrings some real laughs from a MIME and from Carrot Top! That alone should earn The Aristocrats an Oscar Nomination.

The fine art of comedy has always been a true passion of mine. My three-week college stint at open-mike night was more than enough to tell me that I simply didn't have the talent for the game, but I do consider myself a passionate and educated aficionado of the comedic arts. So believe me when I tell you that "The Aristocrats" is not just a collection of dirty jokes. It's probably the most astute and insightful look at comedy that I've ever seen. And dear sweet lord is it FUNNY.

For mig lyder det nyskabende og kan ikke vente med at se resultatet.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#5 myggen 18 år siden

Bob Saget? BOB SAGET? Oh my god... :)

Og så er jeg åbenbart den eneste, der er ved at brække mig over Robin Williams såkaldte komiske talent. Den mand er bare ikke sjov længere, det er simpelthen 'Kevin Arnold'-pinligt at se ham føre sig frem til fx. Oscaruddelingen.
Kværulant extraordinaire

#6 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden

Og så er der lige denne fra Sundance.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#7 filmz-XeoN 18 år siden

håber da at de har dave chappelle med :P
I might be skizofrenic, but i´m also Jesus.

#8 filmz-sikorab 18 år siden

ehhmm?? Whoopie Goldberg, komiker? WTF!

#9 filmz-Munk 18 år siden

Den lyder rigtigt spændende... kan ikke vente til vi dødelige for den at se!
"Sound editing is a lot like sex. Its usually done alone, late at night and with a lot of electronic gadgets."
- Steve Carell

#10 filmz-Bruce 18 år siden

#7 Han er på Division, C.T.U.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

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