En sælsom dokumentarfilm om en vits er på vej – der er tale om 100 af verdens største komikere der alle går sammen og individuelt byder sig ind på hvem der kommer op med den sjoveste vittighed, efter devicen ”jo ulækrere, jo bedre”.

Reglen er ganske enkelt at starten og pointen af vittigheden skal være den samme, men alt fyldet er op til den enkelte komiker.

Blandt de 100 der har sagt ja til at deltage kan findes: Whoopi Goldberg, Drew Carey, Billy Connolly, Eddie Izzard, Trey Parker, Robin Williams, Jon Stewart samt mange andre.

Vis kommentarer (47)

#31 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden

The Aristocrats er ikke en film men et dokumentar program optaget med en camcorder, og lavet af folk som vil afprøve hvor dårligt materiale det er muligt at få folk til at se på

#30 Mærkeligt så, at der er utallige anmeldelser som indikerer, at filmen er en succes (93 gode af 118 udfra Rottentomatoes) og har 7.8 på IMDB.

An essay film, a work of painstaking and penetrating scholarship, and, as such, one of the most original and rigorous pieces of criticism in any medium I have encountered in quite some time.
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#32 filmz-ceciliec 19 år siden

#29 - Det er jo det de bruger blindscreening til. Jeg har da set masser af hvad jeg ville kalde storfilm til premiere surprise. Jeeg tror f.eks. ikke at filmselskabet havde det store behov for at have en føler ude omkring Batman Begins, bare for at tage et eksempel.
Personligt forstår jeg heller ikke hvorfor folk går fra film, det kunne jeg aldrig selv finde på, under alle omstændigheder har man jo betalt for billetten.

#22 - Så vidt jeg husker reklamerede de i starten med at det ville være en kommende storfilm de viste, men det er de da vist stoppet med. Jeg kan nu alligevel kun huske én gang hvor de har vist en film jeg ikke havde hørt om eller set trailer for(Spun - der var mange der gik fra den!).

#33 filmz-Kadann 19 år siden

#32 -

"Spun" er desværre også lidt overset.. Jeg synes at den er ret sjov. :)
http://www.modkraft.dk - http://www.ungeren.dk - http://www.christiania.org

#34 filmz-sweeetm 19 år siden

#28 - Jeg er helt enig... Surprisen overskred min grænse meget hurtigt!!!! Jeg er ALDRIG gået fra en surprise før. Men det her var altså for meget.... Jeg sad og fik rigtig dårlig smag i munden. Har da skrevet en mail til Jacob Christiansen. For jeg kan sgu godt li at gå til surprise men den i nat var for meget... Jeg er bare SUPER skuffet!

#35 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden

Skal ikke sige om den også overskrider mine grænser og er for meget au toiletté istedet for intelligent. Har kun anmeldelser at holde mig til og indtil videre er det absolut i den øvre ende. Og noget siger mig, at man ikke kun skal dømme bogen på dens cover.

Originally a vaudeville thing, the titular joke is always the same in setup and payoff, yet always different depending on whom is telling it. The setup is this: A man walks into a talent agency and tells the booking agent that he has a family act that the man absolutely must see. When asked what he calls such an act, the man replies to the booking agent, "The Aristocrats!" That is the bread, and the meat between the slices can contain anything a comic wishes. Often, that includes some of the most shocking and taboo material ever broached in comedy: incest, bestiality, scat, rape, racism, etc.

The tagline for The Aristocrats repeatedly uses the phrase "unspeakable obscenity," which is quite ironic, because quite a bit of very speakable obscenity is uttered throughout the course of the film. In fact, if one tried to tally how many curse words and questionable phrases are said as the documentary unfolds, a serious case of carpal tunnel might develop.

But ultimately, this is not a film about obscenity or being obscene. Well, not only about it, at least. It's about comedy. It's about people making other people laugh, even if that means destroying the boundaries of "taste" and "decency," whatever those words mean to you. Comedian Larry Miller, who appears in the film, spoke about it at the blue carpet premiere, stating that the content of the joke was not even necessarily important. "There's funny and not funny." If the joke makes people laugh, it is a good joke, and worth telling.

In the end, this is comic jazz. Comedians take the joke and make it their own, and by putting a unique twist on the material is the point. To that end, there are dozens of variations of the joke on display in the film. Some tell it clean, some ultra-dirty. Some go for the jugular by introducing as many audacious acts into the proceedings as they can think of. Others (Carrie Fisher and Sarah Silverman, most notably), use their own families and experiences as the backdrop for the joke, pushing yet another no-no button.

Another reason the movie succeeds is that there is obvious joy in the telling. Like kids sharing dirty jokes in the back of class, each comic has a sort of "wait until you hear this" demeanor right before launching into their rendition. The competition to best one another with humor is also at play throughout. Fiercely competitive, but all quick to laugh at each other, each of the comics speak fondly of hearing the joke, telling it the first time, and exposing others in the fraternity to the tradition.

Of course, a movie that contains jokes about defecating on children and raping animals is not for everyone. If you have personally suffered abuse, it's likely you will not laugh at this film. If your stomach is weak, you do not like obscenity, or you think knock-knock jokes are the height of comedy, you should probably not attend. If you are a member of the clergy, at least take off your frock before you head to the cinema.

For everyone else, this is a unique look at one of comedy's dirty little secrets, now revealed for all to see. It is also a statement about the world we live in. The more heinous the acts committed by our fellow man, the more insulation (in the form of laughter) we're going to need. This movie is chock-a-block with both—heinous acts and laughter—and should serve to remind us that comedy is often much more than people laughing at people, and often… just that.

Filmen er om en joke, hvad der får os til at le og hvorfor. Synes det lyder ovenud interessant at få den samme joke fortalt på forskellig måder. Hvad får folk til at le?
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#36 filmz-derb 19 år siden

Lyder som en film jeg kommer til at elske.

Selv hvis det ikke var en surprise-film, så ville folk der gik fra filmen nok ha' gået ind og set den alligevel (til den rigtige premiere?). Har jeg ret? Det er bare fordi det kom som et "chok" for jer, at den var så dårlig.
Hvorfor svine imperial til? De kan jo ikke gøre for nogle mennesker har "dårligere" humor end jer.

Synes det er fair at gå fra filmen, hvis man kan gøre det på en sober måde. (gjorde jeg godt nok heller ikke selv da jeg gik fra Van Helsing, men synes også det var tarveligt af mig :p)
filmz.dk - din reklamesøjle på nettet.

#37 elwood 19 år siden

skal ind med min faste bvio ven og se den her d. 14 og jeg glæder mig.
J. J: "This is one of my Favorite shots."
Tom Cruise: "I just love this scene, and the set"

#38 filmz-kongbasse 19 år siden

En hel side i Ekstra Bladet med folk som tuder og føler sig verbalt voldtaget.... Bedre reklame kan en film vist ikke få.... Jeg skal helt sikkert ind og se den....

#39 filmz-Kadann 19 år siden

Ah ja, folk piver:


Jeg synes helt bestemt at Nordisk Film skal holde fast på ikke at give pengene igen, fordi så bliver der jo bare skabt mulighed for at man får dem igen hver gang der bliver whinet lidt over en film.. og så forsvinder Premiere Surprise jo bare.
http://www.modkraft.dk - http://www.ungeren.dk - http://www.christiania.org

#40 filmz-Bruce 19 år siden

#39 Utroligt at vi skulle være mere sarte end "over dammen"!
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

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