Winona Ryder skal spille rollen som den menneskelige mor til en ung Spock i J.J. Abrams’ “Star Trek”-film, der bliver den 11. i serien.

Den 36-årige skuespillerinde har bl.a. medvirket i film som “Edward Saksehånd”, “Reality Bites” og “Alien: Ressurection”. Hun har to gange været Oscarnomineret – i 1994 for Martin Scorseses “The Age of Innocence” og året efter for “Little Women”.

I den kommende “Star Trek XI”, der omhandler Starship Enterprises besætning, da de gik på Starfleet Academy, finder man allerede Chris Pine som Captain Kirk, Simon Pegg som Scotty, Karl Urban som Dr. McCoy og Eric Bana i rollen som filmens skurk, Nero.

Filmen er sat til at få premiere juledag, 2008.

Vis kommentarer (20)

#1 nostromo 16 år siden

Yeah I got word about this a week ago, and I can't believe it!

UNLESS it's a flashback within a flashback, where we'll see Sarek meet Spocks mother... But that's just way out there...

And she's only 36 years old! That's really young... so... I don't really know where this Trek is taking us...

But a teaser would be nice to finally gather the images and thoughts into one firm vision of what it's going to be like...

Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#2 vapor 16 år siden

Well perhaps in the future we will be able to stay youthful longer? Longer lifespans.


#3 nostromo 16 år siden

Well if we have ANY continuity in this film, it won't make much sense as Humans still don't live that long compared to Vulcans...

Look I love LOST, but MI:3 was one of the worst movies I've seen and based on that, how the hell did JJ.A. get this gig, is beyond me.

Also Alias is weak and not very original. So again... how did he land this is really a mystery to me.

It's got a great cast, my favorite is naturally Zack (Sylar/Spock) but if you look at J.J's cast in any of his work, they are ALL pretty people... Star Trek is pretty synthetic as it is, adding this to the history of ST, won't help...

Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#4 Daniel K 16 år siden

det her begynder at minde mig lidt om Dødbringende Måben. Trods alt kunne det godt hen at blive den første Star Trek film jeg ser.

#5 The Insider 16 år siden

#4, Dødbringende Måben? Why?

#1, flashback within a flashback? Why not just an ordinary flashback? She was never more than 25-30 years older than Spock in the original series, so if we see Spock as a 10 year old kid (or approximately), it would make perfect sense?

Alt tyder i hvert fald på, at hun kun dukker op i flashbacks. En 24-årig skuespiller er også netop blevet hyret til at spille Kirks far, og eftersom han er yngre end Chris Pine, der rent faktisk skal spille kaptajnen, er det logisk, at han naturligvis også dukker op i flashbacks (og at flashbacks altså indgår i filmen). Anyhow, jeg er hverken den store modstander eller fan af Ryder, så castingen gør mig ikke så meget. Til gengæld synes jeg, det er SUPER, at Bruce Greenwood er blevet hyret til at spille Pike. Greenwood var eminent i Thirteen Days.
War. War never changes.

#6 nostromo 16 år siden

Hmmm, I think you are right...

It's just I always remember Spocks mom as this old lady... even from the series...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#7 The Insider 16 år siden

Well, she did look old, but the actress was just 26 years older than Leonard Nimoy, and since the character (unlike Spock's father, obviously) was human, it would be logical (no pun intended) to asume, that the character was of the same age. Vulcans do live roughly three times as long as humans. And I think that concludes this night's geek-lesson :-)
War. War never changes.

#8 Lard Hanson 16 år siden

Hvad blev der pludselig af dansk?

#9 mr gaijin 16 år siden

#8 Dansk er arkaisk og ikke sci-fi-agtig nok.

Eller også er det, fordi Nostromo er en New Zealander, der forstår dansk, men som ikke vil belemre os med sin danske skrift, da det stadig er et work-in-progress, så vidt jeg forstår.
Happiness is not always the best way to be happy.

#10 nostromo 16 år siden

I love you guys!!! :P

One day I'll surprise you with my Danish and you'll all be... "The consortium agrees, go back to English NOW!"

Between work and my wife now speaks English to me as she won the "teach me to speak better your language" I'm left in the cold...

Oh and whenever she wants to teach me Danish, we just end up having sex. So I don't get past 10 minutes. It's not part of having sex... strange I know...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

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